Navy Yard shooting

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since FuckZup jumped the proverbial gun and posted without all the facts (like 13 dead so far) I will start a new thread where we can post as the facts come to light. Some things that are coming out; Somehow this guy had a security clearance despite taking shots at people before. Why do we have so many people with security clearances (+4 million)? Why is there a gun free zone where most of the people are trained to use guns? Did they want to set up another target site? Exactly how did they guy walk in long weapons? They are now saying (going by what the press writes) that an AR15 may not have been involved. If this is true then why report that an AR15 was used? The press is stuck on a meme? Afterall, they also got the name wrong and profession before they had to retract. They reported the shooter was a Navy Chief Petty Officer by another name which doesn't need to be repeated as it was the wrong name.

As I predicted last year the gun grabbers come out of the wood work before the last shot was even fired. How can you make policy when you don't even know the full story?

So now we can wait until the facts come out and we have a place to post.
JD is just a attention whore had to start another Benghazi thread.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-17-2013, 10:00 AM
Since FuckZup jumped the proverbial gun and posted without all the facts (like 13 dead so far) I will start a new thread where we can post as the facts come to light. Some things that are coming out; Somehow this guy had a security clearance despite taking shots at people before. Why do we have so many people with security clearances (+4 million)? Why is there a gun free zone where most of the people are trained to use guns? Did they want to set up another target site? Exactly how did they guy walk in long weapons? They are now saying (going by what the press writes) that an AR15 may not have been involved. If this is true then why report that an AR15 was used? The press is stuck on a meme? Afterall, they also got the name wrong and profession before they had to retract. They reported the shooter was a Navy Chief Petty Officer by another name which doesn't need to be repeated as it was the wrong name.

As I predicted last year the gun grabbers come out of the wood work before the last shot was even fired. How can you make policy when you don't even know the full story?

So now we can wait until the facts come out and we have a place to post. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

as I predict right now the board had a place to post, you're just a moron
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Why is there a gun free zone where most of the people are trained to use guns?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You obviously did not read my previous posts. IMHO very few soldiers are trained to use handguns. Virtually every military person on a post is trained and qualified to use an M-16. The last thing I would want to see is allowing all those to have access to that weapon in a non-combat zone such as a stateside military base.
Biggest share of ones killed were civilians or contractors 12 killed shooter made 13 had a shotgun a ak and a handgun he took from a guard. Where is the security ? He was hearing voices in his head similar to JD.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess if another one dies, then we'll have to post another thread. Is that right, JDIdiot?

As the facts come out, are you going to call this man a hero? A staunch supporter of our Second Amendment rights? A patriot? A victim of the racist left?

No wonder you're generally regarded as one of the leading buffoons on this board.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is exactly why I started a second thread without the hype and hysteria. There was no AR15 used in the shootings. He had a shotgun and took two handguns from downed! maybe we should disarm the guards! As my post explained a lot of those civilians are ex military and anyone can get handgun training IF they have the right to carry. Take away that right, as happened here, then there is no apparent reason for the training.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The shooter followed Biden's advice.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking idiots.
The shooter followed Biden's advice.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

A man with mental illness hearing voices in his head that had run ins with the law was able to legally purchase a shotgun and use it the same day, and this is all you got?
I B Hankering's Avatar
A man with mental illness hearing voices in his head that had run ins with the law was able to legally purchase a shotgun and use it the same day, and this is all you got? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How fuckin' quaint, Ekim the Inbred Chimp! In your defense of Biden's ignorant remarks you -- a Kool Aid sotted lib-retard -- are arguing that the 'person' was responsible; not the weapon.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The last I heard the shooter was a TEA Party radical with a dozen assault weapons....

Uh wait, this just in......

The shooter wasnt a TEA Party radical he was just a hard nosed Republican//////

Oh wait more news coming in......

Now they are saying he was justa regular guy.........

Oh wait this just in.......

The shooter was a Democrat liberal and to be redundant had mental problems.
How fuckin' quaint, Ekim the Inbred Chimp! In your defense of Biden's ignorant remarks you -- a Kool Aid sotted lib-retard -- are arguing that the 'person' was responsible; not the weapon. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No you simple fuck in light of the tragedy of another shooting you want to try being funny. Stick to getting your ass reamed by your ATF .
Despite earlier reports by the media that an AR-15 was used, it is found that an AR-15 wasn't used.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No you simple fuck in light of the tragedy of another shooting you want to try being funny. Stick to getting your ass reamed by your ATF . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Are you ignorantly arguing that Biden didn't say what he ignorantly said, or are you, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, ignorantly arguing that the shooter didn't use a shotgun?