Protocol for provider NCNS?

I set an appointment by PM today with a well-reviewed and apparently repected provider. She screened me then gave me two time choices and told me to text her and she would give me the address. I texted her my time choice and never heard another word from her. I re-texted, PMed, and called, receiving complete radio silence. As this has never happened to me before, I'm curious what the protocol is. Do I review her? Or just forget it and move on?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-12-2017, 03:48 PM
Post her name here to warn others of her time wasting ways, I'm sure you're not the first or the last, maybe her phone battery died LOL
sparrow1122's Avatar
I guess your time choices were bad for her.
Since you did not have a time set up and you were not on the way to her place since you did not have an address, it is classified as radio silence. It happens. Unprofessional as it may be, you were not out time or money.
Vent and move on.
Name her and let her defend herself, of forget her and move on. There are always other ladies to see....IMO
Your frustration is well justified but technically speaking you did not have an appointment if she did not confirm the time.
She gave me the general area and said to text her and she would give me the address. She gave me 2 choices for times.
sparrow1122's Avatar
Throw out the name and move on.
She gave me the general area and said to text her and she would give me the address. She gave me 2 choices for times. Originally Posted by TexasJoe
when U set a time that is agreed too by both then it would be a NCNS.
i have had a few in the last 60 days.
i have had them call a hour after or call back at the time asking to push back an hour.
My definition of a NC/NS is this:
The two of you set a time/date, she gives you the location, you arrive and text/call her you're there and you don't hear from her. I would wait 24 hours to see if she responds; if she doesn't, that to me is a NC/NS.

I think guys are a little quick on the trigger sometimes without considering real-world scenarios that might happen to her. But 24 hours should be enough time for her to respond.

Edit: And FUCK that "general location" shit. I want an actual address, not interested in playing Where's Waldo.
LtDale's Avatar
As a rule of thumb how long will you give a lady before considering it a NCNS?
As a rule of thumb how long will you give a lady before considering it a NCNS? Originally Posted by LtDale
If you're asking me, I used give 30-40 minutes. Now, it's rare if I stay in the parking lot for more than 20 minutes trying to contact her. I figure she either:
Screwed up her schedule.
Fell asleep.
Got a better offer.
Hit the Lotto.

Edit: And ladies, that 20 minutes isn't a hard and fast rule, lol.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-18-2017, 11:26 AM
Prolongus, that is VERY generous in my opinion. More than 10 minutes seems to be the cut off for me. I can always get other shit done.

Unless- a fella is communicating, letting me know what's what.
  • grean
  • 01-18-2017, 12:34 PM
First, let us establish what a comfirmed appointment is.

For example, if I pm a provider and request an afternoon appointment after 2 but before 6, and she says she can do three, that IS NOT a confirmed appointment. I must reply that is ok. Then she must ALSO give a reply with at least the closest intersection to be at and call 5 minutes before appointment.

2 way confirmation or it isnt a confirmation at all. None of the rest applies unless that happens.

Given there is a confirmation of an appointment

I do get that the exact location doesn't need to be given before then.

HOWEVER, if you dont give the exact location, and I have to sit in a parking lot of a hotel or gas station, when I call or text, please respond in a timely manner. After 5 minutes with no response, I start to wonder. If you need 5 more minutes, its okay to just let me know that. Dont make me sit 5 minutes and think you flaked at the last minute.

Factor traffic. Don't give yourself 15 minutes to drive somewhere that takes 30 minutes to drive to even without traffic.

If I am not going to be at the designated location to call 5 minutes before the appointment, I will pull over and text you that Im running 5 minutes late.

However, if your time has gotten completely away from you and your going to need 15 to 30 minutes more before you are ready. Do not wait until I call to tell me that.

I will like wise call you an hour or two before the appointment if I know Im running late.

Both parties need to be prepared to accept a cancelation or reschedule if they are going to be more than 15 minutes late.

By all means, let each other know as soon as possible that you have to cancel. If you are not sure communicate that and give the other person the opportunity to rescedule.

Finally, be forgiving.

Hobbiest's significant others can throw wrenches into plans without notice. Sometimes it isn't feasible to reach out to the provider without risking outing yourself.

Providers also, believe it or not are people with real lives. Shit happens.

I would suggest neither party let the whole world know after only one infraction. If after 2 cancelations or extreme tardiness, then feel free to post on the boards about it.
Grean - you are right on with what constitutes a NC/NS. I have been NC/NS several times, and my rule is that if they get back to me within a day and try to make it up to me, then we're cool. If I don't hear from them, then I start to think about posting in CoEd to let other people know. Of course I'm a giant pussy, so I've only ratted on about half of them, but I'll work on that part.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I set an appointment by PM today with a well-reviewed and apparently repected provider. She screened me then gave me two time choices and told me to text her and she would give me the address. I texted her my time choice and never heard another word from her. I re-texted, PMed, and called, receiving complete radio silence. As this has never happened to me before, I'm curious what the protocol is. Do I review her? Or just forget it and move on? Originally Posted by TexasJoe
move on, obviously she did... lol some girls are very popular hun, just try again if u really want to see her.

We do have lives too ya know... things come up and once u have been in this field for a while you understand that ; "If you build it they will come."