thai massage

whats a great Thai massage place in Dallas. I am Allen/Plano but would travel anywhere in Dallas for a great massage.

somewhere where they do good Stretching, back-walking, can locate and releas knots in neck, shoulders and hip. doesnt matter if they do not provide L1/L2/L3.
There’s a new Thai place in Roanoke. L0 but best massage I’ve ever had.
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
for an L0 thai massage, look in Frisco just off Preston in the Asian shopping center behind the Canes. Phenomenal massage but hardly ever almost never anything extra.
There’s a new Thai place in Roanoke. L0 but best massage I’ve ever had. Originally Posted by HobbyRUS
Is it Deluxe Thai Massage ?
If not, could you be more specific please
Yes it is.
Aloha Thai off GBT.
Is Aloha Thai purely L0 or is there room for extras. I drive by there all the time and I’ve always wondered
Aloh Thai is close by. will visit this place and revert
My Thai is good in Addison....Also Zense Thai... both are L0
Anyone particularly good or all the masseuses good
Any places that are L1, with an actual good massage?
Southern Style's Avatar
Olives is Denton has an excellent lomi lomi massage and a table show too!
Went there last Saturday. Got massage from KT(or so I heard).
Great massage and L0