Questions from a newbie

I've been working through the stickied posts slowly, reading older posts. Haven't found solid answers to these:

1. What's the best day of the week/best time of day or any combination thereof are the 'best' girls working. If I visit a new subamp (not in Dallas proper) is my best bet? More of a guideline I'm looking for here...not a hard and fast rule.

2. I see foot massage/reflexology places...are these also places that can offer services?
There are sites you can go to that will answer your questions but rubmaps although older can let you know. Best way is to search the AMP section.
Stressfree1's Avatar
Sure Mr Officer, let us get these answers for you to aid in your Intel gathering. Keep searching buddy.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Anybody else's Spidey Senses tingling?
CaptainZman's Avatar
I hear that Tuesdays at midnight are the best time to get a foot massage
jfc i get you're all trying to be edgy...but for #1 no LE cares and for #2 most LE involved would already know the answer to this
2balls75's Avatar
Jimbo, you can probably understand where they’re coming from. In light of everything that happened March 5, now is not a good time to be asking a bunch of questions. Go check out a few of these places and find one you like at the time you like. Good luck.
Jimbo, you can probably understand where they’re coming from. In light of everything that happened March 5, now is not a good time to be asking a bunch of questions. Go check out a few of these places and find one you like at the time you like. Good luck. Originally Posted by 2balls75
I mean if I was asking specifics about places I could understand it. But a "what is general best time to visit" and "could these places possibly offer" are hardly identifying targets.
2xH3Lix's Avatar
I mean if I was asking specifics about places I could understand it. But a "what is general best time to visit" and "could these places possibly offer" are hardly identifying targets. Originally Posted by Jimboed
1) The best time of day to hobby is whenever the girl you want to see is working. Some are 9-5, some are weekends only but some are 24/7. It’s like asking when is the best time to get fast food.

2) Hell, I’ve had a tax accountant ask if I wanted additional services. Places where they are already touching your body have a higher chance of additional services but nothing is guaranteed apart from Death and Taxes.

Also y’all giving the noobie shit and thinking they are a fed, JFC. Cops have been successful arresting people in the hobby for years, what makes you think they’d suddenly make an intern make an account to ask basic info now?
1) The best time of day to hobby is whenever the girl you want to see is working. Some are 9-5, some are weekends only but some are 24/7. It’s like asking when is the best time to get fast food.

2) Hell, I’ve had a tax accountant ask if I wanted additional services. Places where they are already touching your body have a higher chance of additional services but nothing is guaranteed apart from Death and Taxes.

Also y’all giving the noobie shit and thinking they are a fed, JFC. Cops have been successful arresting people in the hobby for years, what makes you think they’d suddenly make an intern make an account to ask basic info now? Originally Posted by 2xH3Lix
That's what I figured the answers would be..but for initial visits and trying to find the girl you like I was hoping there was a "prime subamp time/day" but I'll just have to go a couple of times. Ty for responding in ernest.
KellyKiss's Avatar
Should probably ask the provider you are interested in seeing
Should probably ask the provider you are interested in seeing Originally Posted by KellyKiss
Kinda sketch to call up a subamp and ask when their best girls But point taken anyway. I'll just start attending a couple places that have decent reviews and go from there. Just a decent chunk of change to waste if not great. Just trying to give myself the best start I can.

I've been to two so was very heavily reviewed and I didn't feel the need to contribute because at this point more attention isn't likely good. And the other I wasn't sure if they allowed or didn' I'm not until I verify.
If you're replying to bc I don't have premium yet