There are only a few good people left here...

I Have noticed a slow decline over the last couple of years in the amount of quality gentleman that actually post here, As well as providers.

This board used to be fun, And we would sit up late at night when we were bored and talk Amongst each other and occasionly say something that will make everyone laugh.

Now the board is so serious, You gotta watch what you say, Or who you say it to, or you could get a point....

Where are all the good people that used to come on here? I guess they got tired of all the drama and the mess and they just decided to leave. SMH

I wish the board we get back to the way it used to be.

And I know there are options nobody forces anyone to stay here lol but I'm just saying where are all the good people at? Where are all the valued posters, That used to make this board fun and exciting to come to??

The few good people that were on this board got ran off because they felt Intimidated I supppose...

In this world only the strong survive.
I wish the valued people would come back that used to be on this board and make it fun and lively.

Oh well happy Sunday everyone go do something fantastic with your day I know I will.

It has surely slowed down.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am back....cant get rid of this old lady. Js. Lol
I'm still lurking in the shadows.
I'm still lurking in the shadows. Originally Posted by treeman

This is what I was meaning.... Glad to see you are still around.... The decline of long time members on the boards.

Brmike1963's Avatar
Some of us just don’t like getting caught up in the drama.
BoxFan's Avatar
You summed it up pretty well for me. The board used to be a daily event for me that I would look forward to catching up with all my friends. Nowadays I might pop in once or twice a week. I post only when I have to. Refuse to take either side in any drama. It is simply a place to transact business these days
I’m certainly OK with small chat. This is somewhat designed as a social media platform. I guess most people just don’t feel that way. It is what it is .
cinderbella's Avatar
Too many fucking trolls who cannot stand to see anyone happy.
SweetCougar's Avatar
I feel sure that the board has many trolls, and ladies with mandles to see the guys posts. It is just a place of doing business for me too, but I get very little business from here. These guys want the little spinners so for the more mature and drama free ladies, there must be other forms of doing business. I so seldom visit the page because of the little clique of folks that seem to run it. Just my opinion.
justanolaguy's Avatar
I pop in and out.
I pop in and out. Originally Posted by justanolaguy

Popping in and out...You are a true gem on here as well as in person.

causewaycommuter's Avatar
Brmike and BoxFan pretty much summed it up.
I miss Al Bundy!!