More of the Mulehead investigation proves a baseless political witch hunt.

This was the biggest waste of tax payer money for nothing more that a politically motivated witch hunt THAT FAILED MISERABLY.
Mulehead knew this from the outset and didn't phase him.
The more that comes to light the more it proves these fuckers are completely shameless.
The bigger "conspiracy" is these assholes held the Presidency and nation hostage for more than two years. Some they tortured by throwing in solitary confinement without cause or conviction. It's time that they and many of the complicit media were held accountable.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This was the biggest waste of tax payer money for nothing more that a politically motivated witch hunt THAT FAILED MISERABLY.
Mulehead knew this from the outset and didn't phase him.
The more that comes to light the more it proves these fuckers are completely shameless. Originally Posted by bb1961
Read this yesterday, and it strengthens Stone's case against the government.

When Stone, et al, challenged the government to produce evidence that the FBI had actually conducted a forensic investigation of "the scene of the crime", i.e., the DNC's servers, the government lied in court and said that it had.

Throughout the Mueller report Team Mueller uses qualifying words alleging Russian misdeeds, but the government never eliminated the possibility that it might be someone else other than Russians.

And there's no evidence to support the government's -- and the dim-retard's -- claim that the Russians (if indeed it was the Russians) did what they did to help Trump win the 2016 election.