This gal should be running for POTUS.!!
texassapper's Avatar
Why waste her time there? that's max 8 years... she could be affecting policy in this nation for a good 20-30 years from now.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Judges don't affect policy, they teach politicians how to write policy by legally interpreting the crap politicians write.
But, they do toss political crap that conflicts with core policy (Constitution)
  • oeb11
  • 10-16-2020, 01:24 PM
not when harris takes charge - they will pack the SC and ignore the constitution as irrelevant to their 'Plan to re-build amerika in their own Marxist image"!!!
AM - just took another shot and missed, as usual.
matchingmole's Avatar
Why waste her time there? that's max 8 years... she could be affecting policy in this nation for a good 20-30 years from now. Originally Posted by texassapper

Wasting time there....
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...they teach politicians how to write policy by legally interpreting the crap politicians write.... Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
That right there is the most common misconception on the planet, aka our universe. Politicians don't write policy, lobbyists do. Political donations influence which policy moves forward. How the policy benefits whom within the 'inner circle' is how many other politicians will help row the boat to get it passed. Been this way for decades. Seriously, you think these politicos write a thousand page bill? Or their interns?

The part most of do not see is how the money flows globally, from where to where and back again. It is in that flow, i.e. laundering, that our political class carve off chunks for themselves and their families. This is what Biden/Ukraine is really about. The global "markets" are just a concept for us dirty little people to pacify ourselves. How interested parties, i.e. people in the chain of power to the money flow actually receive the monies on the down-low is what Biden/Ukraine is really about. Of course the Biden/Ukraine is not the only circus in town either.

Trump gets all of this in a big way and is actively engaged with changing the world markets to benefit America and Americans. Unfortunately, all of the invested parties, big Pharma, banks, Wall Street, Mega Agri-business, etc are the benefactors of the existing system and they will not go quietly into the sunset. This is where all the push back to Trump originates. He is tipping over a lot of apple carts and disrupting the gravy train for a lot of these interests.

Sadly, these big money players know that the masses, i.e. working class, aka the minions, do not know much of anything about this. And let's face facts - it's pretty obvious just within these forums. Sadder still, these players, couldn't care less how many of the minions get sacrificed along the way, so long as their ROI remains.
Why waste her time there? that's max 8 years... she could be affecting policy in this nation for a good 20-30 years from now. Originally Posted by texassapper
There were some people floating a few years back for a President Hillary Clinton to nominate former POTUS Obama for a SCOTUS seat.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... Politicians don't write policy, lobbyists do..... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Shush now, you ruined my punch line that I wasn't expecting to post yet.

But yes. Lobbyists do write most of the crap. But then they duck out of the way when it hits the fan and the sponsoring politicians get splattered.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Shush now, you ruined my punch line that I wasn't expecting to post yet.

But yes. Lobbyists do write most of the crap. But then they duck out of the way when it hits the fan and the sponsoring politicians get splattered. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

Not my intention. If it helps, it was meant to tee up two CTH articles from yesterday for next week, if you wish to carry the torch ;-) IMHO - the lobbyists don't just duck out of the way, they kick back in their comfy chairs, with a snifter of Brandy or Scotch, waiting on the mail-box money to come rolling in.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly civics lessons are not in schools anymore just like history you wouldn't want anyone to understand the truth.