The History Of Hamas: 1928-2023

ICU 812's Avatar

A Not bias-free but less biased presentation than I expected.
I agree.
As a side note, it is a strange paradox that the people in the US who are adamant in supporting such organizations as HAMAS would be the first ones to get their heads chopped off if they wee under the rule of HAMAS.
ICU 812's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
Frontline had a good episode about the circumstances before the latest spill over of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Both sides are at fault.

To support a party that believes in the wiping out of a people isn't one for democracy.

To keep a people in a near prison like state and ruling over them is not democratic either.

They should both close out the world around them, suck it up, and just settle it or kill each other off. This is just as good as time than having it happen again for the umpteenth time.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Palestinians had a real chance at a Palestinian state, with its capitol in East Jures Lem, under President Clinton called the Oslo Accords . . . and that was rejected by their leadership.

There was an election of political leadership in The West Bank and Gaza in 2008. The West Bank Palestinians voted for relatively moderate folks. The Gaza Arabs voted for Hamas.

Hamas has openly and explicitly stated that they have no interest in governing Gaza. Hamas has openly and explicitly stated that their purpose is the destruction of Israel as a nation and the eradication of Jews worldwide.

Hamas had a de facto cease fire with Israel before October 7th, and they broke it egregiously.
Precious_b's Avatar
If i'm not mistaken, the Oslo accords had a bunch of disjointed land that would have been the Palestian State. Not contiguous. They would still be running through a bunch of checkpoints.

Palestinian problem is that they are letting a bunch of terrorist be their political arm. Not even the Arab people want to help them.

Situation like that will mean the best they can do is a cease fire with neighbors. If they smarten up, they could have peace.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But they are not smart, or willing to negotiate. And this time, they’re up against a brutal opponent.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
palestinians are bad losers.

they did indeed had a shot at being a nation. instead they said no to it each time it was offered.

west bank has been undergoing a slow ethnic cleansing turning several areas into mini-banustans like that of South Africa apartheid regime. israel clearly wants to get rid of them.

2 state solution minus jerusalem is possible, transfer the WB palestines to gaza. israel will prolly have to give up some land adjacent to gaza.

I think the old partition map (the one arabs said no to) had gaza as an L shape territory is a good starting point.