So I woke up today feeling like I needed a good rub. I went to BP looking for the number of someone on the north side and I noticed Cecilia's breast shot staring at me from today's ads. I don't venture downtown often, but I have been wondering about her for a long time, and she has been reviewed, so what the hell - I decided I should make the trip.
I call, she answers, I inquire, she ask's what time, I let her pick the time, she says 4:00, I say great, she says go to office bldg off Harwin park in back and call for suite#, I say will do.
I go, I arrive at 3:59, I park, I call, phone goes to voicemail, I leave message, I wait, I try again, I wait, I send text, I wait, I try again, phone goes to voicemail, repeat this for another 25 minutes, screw it, I leave.
I've got no tolerence for NCNS. Next.
I have no problem whatsoever with a babe rescheduling or changing her mind and canceling. Give me the courtesy of a call or text and I would not think twice about it. Last minute thing, then answer your phone and tell me. But to let me drive 45 minutes and then just turn off your phone? Cecilia, if we ever run into each other, you owe me $20 for gas and tolls.
On the upside, I had a nice time with racetrack Cindy on my way home.