Roll Call

LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
If there are any other active people in the Seattle area please chime in.
Chiming in.
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
Outside of Ruby.
So lonely.
So lonely in here.
Nate44's Avatar
Im here but use a different board more often.
10acs's Avatar
  • 10acs
  • 03-28-2015, 10:13 PM
Im here but use a different board more often. Originally Posted by Nate44
which board?
Hello, there! I don't post on ECCIE much, though I do keep an eye on the forum. There's two other boards that are way more popular.
Now that I have a review on this site yes
Juicy_Krystal's Avatar
Hellllloooooo my fellow Seattleites!
Is anybody out here? lol
benny9770's Avatar
Checking in. Been a while but giving This board a chance again.
darkroot50's Avatar
I so rarely visit the discussion area of the Seattle board. Like the last 2 posts there just isn't much happening here. I do like the national discussion area 'cause it's always lively.

I'll post a review in the Seattle area from time to time but even that is lightly used.

It would be nice to have an alternative to the most used board around the PNW.