The Truth Behind a Woman

Let’s face it, being a female in today’s society is everything but easy! The stereotypes we are expected to live by each day is enough to make any woman insecure. Now add on the ridicule we receive by our own expectations along with those from our peers and you’ve got a massive fucking mess of ladies trying to be “perfect.” I’m sad to say, but this can many times unfortunately determine or mold how we think of our own self.

As a female, I believe all ladies are beautiful no matter how we look, no matter the size of clothes worn, how much we weigh, the style of clothes we choose to wear, the color of our hair, the color of our skin, our ethnicity, etc.... I could go on for hours. Society has twisted the true definition of beauty, and as a female, we have allowed this to happen by merely body shaming other females and just being plain mean to one other. This is NOT, I repeat, this is NOT ok!

Beauty is defined by so much more than what we see on the outer side of another. Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul!

Lupita Nyong’o said it best: “You can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t sustain you. What is fundamentally beautiful is compassion, for yourself and those around you. That kind of beauty enflames the heart and enchants the soul.”

The purpose of this post is to bring back some much needed positivity to the AR board. Let’s stop body shaming each other. Instead, let’s encourage one another, compliment and uplift each other, be kind to one another as the world is already ugly enough.

I encourage everyone to post a few favorite pics of yourself and let others compliment you! If you have nothing nice to say, then remain silent or move along to another thread.

I am always reluctant about posting pics of myself due to my own insecurities (yes, I said it, I battle with insecurities too) but I will start.. Here are a few of my favorite pics. I want to see others post so we as a community, can show love instead of hate. In a world where you can be anything, be kind!

Staff Edit - Image Violation - Image Removed - Biomed1

What a wonderful post by an elegant woman. You are truly beautiful, inside and out. You put up with all your clients foibles with grace, skill and kindness. I know you light up my life. Thank you for being so kind and gracious with me.
tuckahoe's Avatar
I have been able to see good in a lot of women who could not see the good in themselves. I saw good in Chloe the first time we met, and have never been able to forget about it. Chloe is very pleasing to my eyes, but it takes more to make me keep wanting yet another date. Her post proves what I saw in her is true. Chloe has a way of improving me. I hope Chloe knows me well enough to understand what I am trying to say, even though I am not doing a very good job of expressing myself.
I am sure she knows what you were saying Tuck. She is a special woman. That’s for sure.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Chloe you are sooooo great
Your beautiful and have a heart that cares
Thank you for this thread
Hot Summer's Avatar
Very nicely said with Grace & compassion.
Your photos are always wonderful
I hope you and your family have an awesome Christmas Beautiful.
If anyone ever had any doubt about the type of provider they should see this post should remove any doubt. Chloe is the choice, inside and out she is a beautiful person. Tuck, we get what you are saying even if you think you’re struggling to find the appropriate words, we understand exactly what you mean because we’ve had the same experience. Chloe is a rare find in a sea of fool’s gold and cubic zirconium
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Beautiful post Chloe .. beautiful inside and out … well we never met in person but I see that many has to only have beautiful things to say about you
Insecurities I think especially this industry we all have
Hope you have wonderful holidays I’ll follow your idea and post more selfie because many of my pic don’t follow the guideline here
Bisous VJ
Interesting a drama thread gets pages and pages but a post like this gets little attention., but no one likes drama. Yeah, right! sad but true
biomed1's Avatar
To return to the Original Topic.

#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 12-16-2021, 01:42 AM

Very nice and you are lovely in every respect.

Ex, none of your crap about what I look like,, we're you talking only

SlowHand50's Avatar
Chloe, the words in your post show you possess that elusive beautiful soul we all should strive to possess for ourselves. And the photos show your stunning outer beauty, as well. Thank you for the positivity, it's needed now more than ever. Peace.
WMJ4657's Avatar
It would have to be a blind person to body shame you Chloe but I completely agree with where you are coming from

Hey Johnsson don't apply for the photographer position you can't focus well enough to get yourself in the pic!! Or was that right after a lunch meeting?
It would have to be a blind person to body shame you Chloe but I completely agree with where you are coming from

Hey Johnsson don't apply for the photographer position you can't focus well enough to get yourself in the pic!! Or was that right after a lunch meeting? Originally Posted by WMJ4657

W, you need to take your act on the road, lol...the drink I had at lunch sobered me