Deposits and Personal Info

Food for thought if you give personal info to secure a date just remember that you're hooked for life with a potential shit storm. Of course most ladies on here aren't that way. But all it takes is that one special psycho to turn your life upside down. Deposits are somewhat tricky. I understand it's a 2 way street on crickets after the deposits have been done. Women disappear after the transaction and the guy is left holding the bag. Guys make dates and then decide to go elsewhere. I'm very interested hearing what others think.
I never do deposits or give out ANY personal info. I understand the desire for both though..
farmncityboy's Avatar
I second what Scott Said. No personals and no deposits! From what I've seen, both will end up in a bad way!
CatMan4u's Avatar
Plus 1
I understand way some ask for deposits but they need to understand that most of us guys that have been in the hobby long have been burnt many times also not saying that the ladies haven't been burnt many times also
In addition they need to understand that there are several legitimate reasons for not booking a appointment or for as that goes cancelling ones
They want us to understand their side they in turn need to understand ours
Done with my rant
I didn't make this thread to start a bitch session towards ladies. Because I'm very aware of some guys have no business being around ladies. I can see and understand both sides of the argument.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I wasn't trying to be bitchy it's just both sides of the coin
Cat Daddy you're good! There's ways to screen without the info being too intrusive. Also there's way to curb the deposit scams. For example guys can get the hotel.
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Food for thought if you give personal info to secure a date just remember that you're hooked for life with a potential shit storm. Of course most ladies on here aren't that way. But all it takes is that one special psycho to turn your life upside down. Deposits are somewhat tricky. I understand it's a 2 way street on crickets after the deposits have been done. Women disappear after the transaction and the guy is left holding the bag. Guys make dates and then decide to go elsewhere. I'm very interested hearing what others think. Originally Posted by Baconman
Not always true! Now there are some idiot guys an ladies that ruin it for good creditable people! But not every girl wants revenge if you don’t book
I personally delete everything after it is sent! An I never ask for really personal info
Mainly name an birthday to make sure your of age but anything that I have ever had sent to me got deleted as soon as I looked at it
Discretion is number one for me I expect you to stay discreet an the same as well for me.
Deposits are understandable due to a lot of guys canceling but I personally only get a deposit if you want to book months in advance or if your flying me out other than that I don’t ask!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
I never do deposits or give out ANY personal info. I understand the desire for both though.. Originally Posted by scottprestons
But see you have enough reputable ladies vouch for you! An your not an ass haha 😂
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Plus 1
I understand way some ask for deposits but they need to understand that most of us guys that have been in the hobby long have been burnt many times also not saying that the ladies haven't been burnt many times also
In addition they need to understand that there are several legitimate reasons for not booking a appointment or for as that goes cancelling ones
They want us to understand their side they in turn need to understand ours
Done with my rant Originally Posted by CatMan4u
I completely get where your coming from
We both have to see it from each other sides an there always needs to be some trust for both of us! Or it won’t work at all ! But doesn’t help guys cancel an play but it doesn’t help Girls take the deposit it’s ridiculous
I feel we both have to have a little trust with one another
CatMan4u's Avatar
I completely get where your coming from
We both have to see it from each other sides an there always needs to be some trust for both of us! Or it won’t work at all ! But doesn’t help guys cancel an play but it doesn’t help Girls take the deposit it’s ridiculous
I feel we both have to have a little trust with one another Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
Nicole you said that very nicely
I have a couple ladies that will ask for clarification of my messages if that don't understand them( they know me quite well)
and then they understand what I meant witch was completely different than what they thought
No deposits never ever
Jack Scheidt's Avatar
Not always true! Now there are some idiot guys an ladies that ruin it for good creditable people! But not every girl wants revenge if you don’t book
I personally delete everything after it is sent! An I never ask for really personal info
Mainly name an birthday to make sure your of age but anything that I have ever had sent to me got deleted as soon as I looked at it
Discretion is number one for me I expect you to stay discreet an the same as well for me.
Deposits are understandable due to a lot of guys canceling but I personally only get a deposit if you want to book months in advance or if your flying me out other than that I don’t ask! Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
Discretion is the better part of valor
There are a few ladies on this board even that I would really like to see but not worth the chance of personal info or tracking a deposit back to me. There are a few on here that I believe are reputable that ask for deposits but the reason I won’t pay their deposit is because of what can be tracked back to me. Not worth losing sleep for years over.
I would be fine with a deposit if it is reasonable (cost of the room) and could protect my privacy but most cash apps do not make me feel my privacy is safe.

Any ones you all use that you still feel safe and annon?