The most important title a guy could have.

LovingKayla's Avatar
Customer: Someone who buys goods or services.

Client:One who is under the care, guidance, and protection of an expert in a particular field.

I over heard a conversation between 2 providers and they both were referring to their guys as customers. The discussion was about how they didn't get a very good repeat "customer" rate. I've learned to NOT throw my hat in a ring I wasn't dragged to so I'll give my thoughts on it here and open the floor for debate.

In any business, you had better be an expert or you will get washed away. Being an expert in this field means you have great empathy for the plight of a horny, rejected at home, man. If you don't take care for your guy, that puts you in a huge lake of "normal" providers that go out of business pretty quickly (they won't be your guy for long.)

More often than not he will ask you what you think or know about X provider. If you can offer him true guidance on who he sees, what do you think that does for brand loyalty? You will be building a solid relationship with your client and he will grow to trust you.

Protecting your client can be as simple as talking to the provider that's asking for a ref and say something like " I really like this client, please treat him well. He's Alot of fun." girls think about it, when you get a glowing ref you are automatically in that receptive state and EAGER to visit with the new client. He gets a better session simply because you sent out that little note of "he's a good one. Treat him like you would your favorite client."

The debate question is: Would you rather have customers or clients? Or: Would you rather be a customer or a client?

Either is fine but I'm curious about your thinking on either one. Some people might rather being a customer instead. There wouldn't be near as much personal connect which could be appealing to a certain type of guy.
Something that many providers do not understand or give a second thought to is the fact that he is seeing you because he is not getting the treatment at home that he desires so he visits a provider. That provider instantly becomes like the significant other at home in that if he is not treated well or is taken for granted, he will again look elsewhere. There is absolutely no difference. If he feels he is looked upon as simply the breadwinner or work horse at home and not taken care of emotionally, he sees a provider. If he feels he is just a customer to that provider, he will look elsewhere as well.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I like that post. That's what it's all about for me.
I want to be a client. Customers stand in line at fast food restaurants but clients make reservations and are escorted to their favorite table with their favorite server.
Not meaning to compare this to food service, maybe it's because it is lunchtime.
You know what I mean. I like your philosophy.
Still Looking's Avatar
Call me what ever you want, just don't ever call me late! Pussy has always made me punctual!
great thread, Kayla, I cannot wait to see other provider's opinions and views.
TexRich's Avatar
does not matter as long as she is a pro, does her job well for me, and always makes sure I leave a very happy customer or client or whatever.
Guest091314's Avatar
I agree with your points 100%!

What I cant stand is to hear someone called a "john" there is just an awful ring to it..
cookie man's Avatar
Being called a client is definitely the preferred choice. It implies a personalized business relationship.

Without being too hoakie the most important title a guy could have would be "a good father". It's a very high calling.
erosmystique's Avatar
Great thread! Thanks so much. I am intrigued to read some of the future posts on this subject matter.
txhunter56's Avatar

Thanks for posting this thread. You make very good points.

LovingKayla's Avatar
OK cookieman you smart ass The rest of that sentence was supposed to read "in the hobby." But I guess being a "daddy" here could be important too.

TR is in the vast minority and is not looking for that emotional fill the people that see me usually do. He is a very good example of different strokes for different folks.

There was a provider a while back that I was talking too about her advertising. She threw such a broad net because she wanted to catch EVERYONE in it. She is the sort of provider that is meant for a very specific person and if you are not that person, you would probably give her a bad review. She didn't care as long as you left your cash first. While I agree that she can run her business any way she chooses, I would not advise that approach to providers. What do you really enjoy? What sort of guy do you enjoy? enjoys you? That's the one you want.

I say that because of TR post. You won't catch everyone in your net, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
tramp76137's Avatar

You are wise beyond your years. I have, on personal note, found you to be a caring, understanding and compassionate Lady.

just my $0.02
I like being referred to as ATF, although still awaiting the BFE. Seriously, Client is much preferred.
mpython1's Avatar
The customer vs client mentality is also the reason we Americans don't compete well in a customer service driven economy.
nbs4143's Avatar
Kayla, this a good thread, thank you.

It doesn't matter if a provider see me as a customer or client, I rather be a friend than customer or client... friendship is more important because if your SO is not giving you what you want and need you will escape to the arms of a provider and if the provider is good to you and every session with her is better than your SO... you will see that provider on a regular basis then she can be your other SO and by then you already have some relationship and know each other well as friends.
If a provider see me as a friend then when she is not available or gets a call from another provider for ref she can say "He is a friend of mine... and yes he is cool and fun and treat him well..." with that said our hobby life can reach a higher level of trust, friendship and satisfaction for all.