We are product of our past but we dont have to be prisoners of it.

txAustin202's Avatar
It's obvious that you never sent my things like you said you did. Just another lie in a string of lies. You once said that I'm the first person to truly care about you. For the most part, I still do. The help that I had wanted for you is still available to you. I still want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy. So please don't burn this bridge. Let's resolve this like adults. Please read what this person had to say and take it to heart.

We're All Products Of Our Past To A Certain Degree-
By: VTMarkus
Written on June 16th, 2012
The best advice I ever got from a therapist after discussing my past at length for a lot of hours was 'it's okay to look at where you've come from and what you've endured, but do yourself a favor and don't stare'. It's easy to deprive ourselves from living a peaceful and happy life by allowing some dark experiences from the past to dis-empower us. But what's the point in that? We're not here to be small. It takes a ton of courage to reflect back on some of life's darknesses, but we ALWAYS have the choice to live our lives with a sense of being healed when we stop staring at the wounds. I think sometimes we have to have difficult or traumatic experiences just so we have them as a reference point of how difficult life can be. There's something about the ego that loves to play the victim, but it IS possible to transcend darkness and bring a more dynamic sense of being to our current reality.
Everyone deserves to be happy, and everyone deserves the satisfaction of a life filled with peace of mind. Sometimes you have to have a ceremony to put the past behind you. I believe it IS possible (and to great degree necessary) to move beyond what haunts you, and there's a support group near you who can help you to start a new chapter in life where your past traumas don't dictate your present self. I hope that anyone reading this who is feeling damaged finds a way to be whole and happy. It's your birthright. Claim it!
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 03-28-2013, 02:20 PM
you know, they do have these things called private messages.
txAustin202's Avatar
you know, they do have these things called private messages. Originally Posted by Qziz
Believe me, I wish that was an option.
Stalker, really, how cliche.

Like any of us didn't see this coming.
how is PM not an option?
how is PM not an option? Originally Posted by sxyveronica

He probably doesn't know her new handle if she is even still around. Word on the street is he didn't handle her retirement well.

P.s. Rick says he has what you need and says for you to come visit him in brenam.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 03-28-2013, 03:52 PM
You again?

Therapy dude.
Dante looking at Beatrice.
If it hasn't worked out for you after a year, it's not ever going to work. Move on, enjoy your life.
txAustin202's Avatar
It's so funny how much you guys claim to know. This thread served its purpose. Please close this thread mods.
Nice try big guy. A few of us know just how much of a stalker you've become since she retired. Dude, you're just a john, she may have enjoyed you more then some others but get the hint. She retired, so you couldn't see her anymore and instead of moving on you did some shit you know you shouldn't have. The only purpose this thread served was to further freak out a nice lady who deserves better.

Want to test my knowledge. Maybe I'll come hang out with you in Round Rock tomorrow. Knock, Knock, it can go both ways big guy.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-28-2013, 05:36 PM
Never go full retard...Never
so sad when boundaries are crossed and things go so very very wrong.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 03-28-2013, 08:15 PM
She is moving back to Austin and has not retired.. she is just going to see a select few clients that treat her right and pay her what she's worth. Name will be different but beauty and service.. better!!!
txAustin202's Avatar
Wow you never know who to trust anymore. For the record, I haven't had any hobby related interactions with her in 7 months so let's try that retirement argument again. If you notice my first sentence I'm trying to get away. That's why I need my things. But there is some truth to what you've PM'd Homer. She and I have talked for about 3 hours total today. She is not saying what you are saying Homer but there has definitely been a deep betrayal here.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-28-2013, 10:16 PM
WTF is wrong with you KKoze? Are you just a prick or do you take lessons?