girl at sylvan beach and other stuff - update on me

This coming sunday night is the one year anniversary since the girl at sylvan beach and you all know the story from the other site, how she approached me on the beach and we hooked up, etc

Anyways seeing that was her birthday, I was planning on returning to the exact same spot at sunset sunday night to see if she returns for her birthday this year. However, I am very upset cuz once again, we are getting more heavy rain, this time on Sunday night. This summer's rain has been ridiculous and now Hurricane Henri is moving thru. My one shot of repeating last August 22 potentially ruined. IDK what to do.

I gave her my number last year and she never called me. I found her on facebook and wrote her, only to discover she abaonded her facebook and is not on social media. Also makes me wonder if I potentially got her pregnant and she has a baby now, I would have no idea. I have no way to contact her or know what or where she is.

But she did indicate, she wanted to see me reguarly for hook ups at the time. Now driving out to Sylvan Beach (almost to Syracuse) is a long drive, but factoring in the cost of donation for providers and her seeing me for free, the cost of gas money outweighs the cost of donation, so worth it.

She also did indicate she came to the beach every evening. This makes me wonder if she is back this summer. Being that, I am thinking about tomorrow night (one day early) taking a drive out to Sylvan Beach in hopes she is there. In addition, Im planning a trip to the NYS Fair next week, so maybe Ill get a second chance after the fair to see if she is there.

Now the reason I come on here to rant is honestly, I have no where else to go. My mom is dead and my dad I have completely estranged myself from because he is mental and verbally abusive (I am doing much better since cutting him off), I probably wont talk to my dad for the rest of my life sadly cuz of his bad behaviors. And nobody on the outside world is going to understand I partake in this hobby, so I turn to other mongers, hence why I post on both sites my personal life.

Also wanted to mention this has been the summer of rejection dating wise. I got rejected or chose to reject, 3 different girls this summer.

First girl was a girl named Jen who worked as a manager at a store in Saratoga. My uncle's wife had met her while at the store and told her that her husband's nephew (me) was a nice, young single guy with a good paying job and Jen let me give her her number to give to me. I then texted Jen and she asked to exchange pics, with me going first. I send her my pic and she responds by telling me she is not interested and is chosing to stay single, refusing to even show me her pic and ghosting me. Rude and inconsiderate of her, I was hurt. I told my uncle's wife and she added she thought Jen was potentially mental, which would explain her actions.

Second girl, girl named Brittany I met on facebook. Nice and kind of asked me out to meet for drinks. I told her I dont drink but would meet her at bar, but would be drinking a soda instead. She then kept telling me no I have to drink and not understanding that I dont drink and refusing to compromise with me (with me meeting her at bar with a soda, she can drink whatever she wants, IDC). She then blocks me.

Third girl I met on facebook is from Gloversville. Young girl who is 21 and has disabilites. She kept changing her story telling me she wont use condoms and wants a guy to get her pregnant, then tells me she can't get pregnant, she wants me to meet her at a Walgreens and fuck in the bathroom, tells me I can come over for sex but sneak in cuz her grandma lives with her and she can't be seen, then tells me I can't come over, etc etc

Too many inconsistencies. Then I saw a post from an ex boyfriend of hers, warning others to run from her, shes crazy and stalks people. I then saw, this girl has at least 20 different facebook accounts as well as fake accounts, one account she is even posing as another girl in a lesbian relationship with herself.

The last thing we need is a "buglegirl" with all her online accounts, very toxic for me. Two people with similiar online behvaiors dating, bound for disaster. So i blocked her, being the rejecter for a change, instead of the rejected. Felt good actually. ha ha.

So anyways, I still deseprately want a girlfriend but do not fall in love with providers anymore. I feel enough time has passed since Savannah "robbed me" for me to try new providers again. Thats all.
PS In between seeing girls for dates, I use a pocket pussy. I also bring the pocket pussy with me for incalls in case I cant get hard. It works well to get hard anytime, word of advice for anyone suffering from ED, safe alternative to Viagara.

Anyways I bought a new pocket pussy yesterday from Adult World on Alamont Ave in Schenectady. And I have the pocket pussy box saved here, best one to use

Edits The Dr
BudakaL's Avatar
Holy Shit! This isn’t your personal diary. Nobody cares about anything going on in your life.
That should be against the law.another reason to ban you again.
BudakaL's Avatar
That should be against the law.another reason to ban you again. Originally Posted by Scoot642
Absolutely 100 % ! Hey Mods sailboat should get a lifetime ban for his post. Myself and I’m sure all other members want nothing to do with a platform that would allow a member to say such things. It’s disgusting creepy and borderline criminal and it’s speaks volumes to the type of person he is. Do the right thing!!
Can Dr. EG (moderator) please check his PMS.
Important message for him.
Looks like the mods did the right thing for a change
Is that a new record on how fast someone got the hook?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Is that a new record on how fast someone got the hook? Originally Posted by Scoot642
been a few in Upset NY one post n gone

Just for Albany mmmmm maybe
BugsySegal's Avatar
57fubar's Avatar
Wow Originally Posted by BugsySegal say the least
Girl at beach didnt show up. I drove out there and waited. I was sad after. Just a once in a lifetime hookup.
Banned and he's BACK !!
BugsySegal's Avatar
Wow, nuts, just nuts ��!
BugsySegal's Avatar
How long until the ban hammer comes down?