Sorry loves, gotta cancel.

No, this is not a pity party nobody booked with me so I have to cancel my trip thread. I actually look forward to coming to Houston but it seems I have been hit with the flu bug. I have already notified my pre-books but this is for those that have sent me pm's, sorry I haven't responded but I feel like I got hit by a bus. I hope to see you boys soon. I will make it up to those I had to cxl on.

h2theizzo's Avatar
Get well soon!
carkido45's Avatar
Get well babe hoping you get a speedy recovery.
Damn flu bug. Miss you. Last 4 months since you gone no body filled the spot. get well soon
DaChef's Avatar
hope you get your strenght back.
Yowzer's Avatar
Sorry to hear about the no prebooks and for your illness. Some traveling providers come here expecting guys to fork over GPS prices and are surprised they get no business. I'm glad to see your rates are in line for what we expect here.

Hope you get over it (illness) and come back our way soon.
Get well soon, Babe!