Is This Love?

roaringfork's Avatar
Just had my third session with the same beautiful lady (this is a record for me). As we were leaving the room afterward, all I could think was, "Jeez, I wish she wouldn't dress so much like a whore."
WalkerTx's Avatar
Uh oh......
pyramider's Avatar
Post a photo of her taint.
Scribe's Avatar
我比前面腦葉手術寧可會有在我前面的瓶, the signature line, Pyramider... lol
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
... 3 times is not alot...
roaringfork, you owe it to this girl to come out and say that to her. This way, she will know to avoid you.
Looks like we need an intervention for another poor soul who's about to get sucked down into a spiraling death spin of heartbreak, dissapointment, empty bank account, and a restraining order.

You love her for your reasons. She loves you for your Money.
pyramider's Avatar
Get her to post some taint ... then we will know how you should proceed.
mmcqtx's Avatar
It is called IOP (illusion of passion) for a reason. This is what we pay for. Did you send Angelina Jolie a love letter after the third Tomb Raider movie? (Ok, I was tempted to do that, but those lips, that fake accent.....but I digress) Have a drink, have three, get those silly thoughts out of your head, NEVER verbalize them, because if you do, you will have to go out and find yourself a new ATF (or send the police out to find your car.....sorry, another digression).
What I do when I start feeling something other than a boner for my fav is I go visit some different ladies here, until I have a really good session or two, then I can go back to my fav, and the silliness is usually gone.
Seriously roaring fork: Step back and think about the impression you would get from someone else making that post.

If you havent already fallen off the deep end, hopefully this will scare you rather than insult: You sound like a delusional control freak on the verge of becoming a stalker.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I love it when they dress like strippers do when they are onstage, not the dull clothes they wear outside the clubs. If wanting her to yourself is love, that is understandable. I love most of the girls I go see, too. Right now I love Irene, but since I don't have her phone number, and she isn't back to Aloha (or is it Cleopatra) it is totally unrequited.
I used to love Mimi of Elegant a long time ago, probably still would if she's working. Sugar was great, loved her, too. Can't say I loved Happy/Sheridan, she was too much too handle. Of course, I loved Jackie, but who doesn't?
Among independents, I would say that Tara Evans is my love from back at Anna Anderson's place.
I've loved others but they have forgotten me, and me them.
My advice, go to a strip joint, drink 4 to 5 beers, and you would be suprised at your capacity to love other women!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I love it when they dress like strippers do when they are onstage, not the dull clothes they wear outside the clubs. If wanting her to yourself is love, that is understandable. I love most of the girls I go see, too. Right now I love Irene, but since I don't have her phone number, and she isn't back to Aloha (or is it Cleopatra) it is totally unrequited.
I used to love Mimi of Elegant a long time ago, probably still would if she's working. Sugar was great, loved her, too. Can't say I loved Happy/Sheridan, she was too much too handle. Of course, I loved Jackie, but who doesn't?
Among independents, I would say that Tara Evans is my love from back at Anna Anderson's place.
I've loved others but they have forgotten me, and me them.
My advice, go to a strip joint, drink 4 to 5 beers, and you would be suprised at your capacity to love other women! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

my thoughts exactly. while i am with my girls, i love them intensely; betweens encounter i miss them; i love my regulars. ;love is relative.
roaringfork's Avatar
Thanks everyone: I was speaking more or less facetiously here, and in full awareness of the good points you've made. The lady in question has so far requested 1) help with her phone bill, 2) a holiday bonus, and 3) that I bring to the session a substance in which I do not deal and of which I do not partake. I was easily able to ignore the first and the third; as for the second, that demand was made at a moment when she almost literally had me by the balls. I am actually more amused than chagrined by her approach to her profession, and I do regret the choice of words in my original post.
mmcqtx's Avatar
Gee guy, how about doing a review and contributing to the site? Some of us would want to know about a provider doing such things.
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 12-01-2012, 06:18 PM
don't go back