How Cynical to Have a City/State named New York!!!!

  • oeb11
  • 02-16-2019, 11:28 AM
New York City/State - site of bastions of CAPITALISM including Wall Street, stock markets, and One World Trade Center.

History -
The oldest part of the city, the island of Manhattan, still has its original Le-nape Native American name. Although Native people such as the Le-nape and Canaries had lived there for many thousands of years, New York City was first explored by Europeans in the 1500s. Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano found the entrance to New York Harbor in the year 1524 and English explorer Henry Hudson named the Hudson River in 1609.
New York City was settled by Europeans from The Netherlands in 1624. The Dutch called the whole area of New York "New Nederland" (New Netherland) and they named a fort and town on the south end of Manhattan Island New Amsterdam (New Amsterdam),[12] after the capital city of the Netherlands, which was to become present-day New York. The English took over the colony in 1664 during the second Anglo-Dutch War. They changed the name to New York, to honor the Duke of York, who later became King James II of England and James VII of Scotland. The Dutch surrendered Nieuw Amsterdam without fighting.
By the time the English took New York, there were many other Dutch towns in what would become New York City, including Breukelen (Brooklyn), Vlissingen (Flushing), and Nieuw Haarlem (Harlem). There were already some English towns in the area also, such as Gravesend in Brooklyn and Newtown in Queens. Dutch, English and other people had been living together in New York for a long time.

This is why I stand in solidarity with theDutch against the invaders. Steal their land and to add insult to injury and to mock them name a State NewYork...what more evidence do we need of American hypocrisy. Juichen Voor de Nederland!!!!

AOC and her DPST Party should be notified and immediately agitate for the return of the stolen Lands!!! She will Trump Deblasio, Bloomberg, and Cuomo - dinosaur old White Men all!!! Put an end to Capitalism in the Stolen lands and her birthplace the Bronx once and for All!!!!

All yall can come over in my opinion. This is yalls land as Woody Guthrie sang:
Don't forget New Jersey and New Hampshire.
Dickey9090's Avatar
Don’t forget Long Island
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Don't forget the Dutch paid for it, the English took it as a spoil of war, as did we.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
um what???? lol!
  • oeb11
  • 02-16-2019, 04:21 PM
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2019, 09:30 AM
Where are TM and SC to label "racism, Hitler, and you don't know your stuff??"
the english named ny

we took it from them

but in honor of all things white...we left the name
peter minuit was scammed by Indians

they sold him manhattan when they didn't own it

like wanna buy the brooklyn bridge?

I think he later had to pay off other Indians

heard that if the original Indians who received $24 dollars worth (60 dutch guilders) of beads and trinkets from minuit, if they had invest the money at interest for the last 300 years they would have 50 billion

don't know about that
Don't forget the Dutch paid for it, the English took it as a spoil of war, as did we. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It was our manifest destiny to own that parcel of real estate.

As well as all the other land we acquired in service to the cause of freedom and liberty and advancing civilization.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don’t forget Clarksville!
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2019, 11:57 AM
And YR on the "Last Train to ....."

No reparations for this, either.

Don’t forget Clarksville! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I believe that area is involved in an ongoing dispute between you and the guy who is much smarter than you, LexusLover.