The GOP Debate

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's YOUR take on tonight's GOP debate?

Did you hear something that you liked?

Did you hear anything that made sense to you?

Which candidate seemed more Presidential to you?

Did you like Michele Bachmann's hair?

Do you give a rat's ass?
  • Booth
  • 09-07-2011, 09:33 PM
What's YOUR take on tonight's GOP debate?

Did you hear something that you liked?

Did you hear anything that made sense to you?

Which candidate seemed more Presidential to you?

Did you like Michele Bachmann's hair?

Do you give a rat's ass? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Galileo won.
What's YOUR take on tonight's GOP debate?

Did you hear something that you liked?

Did you hear anything that made sense to you?

Which candidate seemed more Presidential to you?

Did you like Michele Bachmann's hair?

Do you give a rat's ass? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider




I have no interest whatsoever about Perry's ass!
  • Laz
  • 09-07-2011, 11:12 PM
What's YOUR take on tonight's GOP debate?

Did you hear something that you liked?
Did you hear anything that made sense to you?
Which candidate seemed more Presidential to you?
Gingrich, and unfortunatly Romney
Did you like Michele Bachmann's hair?
Do you give a rat's ass? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please elaborate Laz. I heard a shitload of pandering. And I heard one candidate call the president a liar, then get called on it by the fact checkers. Same candidate who called Social Security a Ponzi scheme. It's doubtful he knows what that is. Probably thinks it's that dude in the leather jacket in Happy Days!
  • Vyt
  • 09-08-2011, 12:39 AM
Jon Huntsman came off as the most adult and rational of the bunch. Not coincidentally, he has zero chance of being elected in today's GOP.

Michelle Bachmann is done. Perry took all her oxygen and the few times she got any attention she was robotically scripted.

Rick Perry... it's going to be a fun ride if he gets nominated. I hope he uses that Galileo reference again, since Galileo was driven out of his position by religious fundamentalists who were terrified by science and insisted that the sun rotates around the earth, it's probably not the best metaphor for him to use.
DTorrchia's Avatar
It is a sad and woeful bunch of candidates, that's for sure. It speaks volumes that this is the best that's come forward in our political process.

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson
I'm with Vyt on this one. Huntsman looks the best among that bunch, but he's got no chance. I was particularly fond of Bachmann's twice unanswered question about illegal immigration...."no Michelle, assume the wall is already there ya dumbass!"

Romney is starting to look more and more like a Democrat to me standing next to that crowd. Hell, Gingrich almost seems normal standing up there with that bunch of loons, but I think he might have been especially empowered having drank some of Nancy Reagan's blood last night before the debate.

As for Perry, he just seems like G.W.B. Lite to me. I know it might come of a shock to you Texas natives, but the rest of the country does not think very highly of you. This is especially true in my home state and that other densely populated state on the other coast. For the most part, Texas is regarded as little more than ignorant and lawless. I think Perry's going to appeal to the already-on-a-downward-spiral Tea Party, and the nutty religious right, but other than that he's got a long way to go. And scaring the shit out of seniors the first night out by referring to Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme was probably not the best thought out plan, but at least he said it like he believed it.

  • Booth
  • 09-08-2011, 07:53 AM
It is a sad and woeful bunch of candidates, that's for sure. It speaks volumes that this is the best that's come forward in our political process.

" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson Originally Posted by DTorrchia
Michele Bachmann has been using the quote for a couple of years. Hard to believe you didn't like what you saw last night. Why isn't she your gal?
DTorrchia's Avatar
Michele Bachmann has been using the quote for a couple of years. Hard to believe you didn't like what you saw last night. Why isn't she your gal? Originally Posted by Booth
I can agree with some of the views of many of the candidates, just as I can agree with some views from members of the Democratic party. Doesn't mean I would support them as a candidate to be our next President.
Specifically I have issues with her mixing religion and politics. Two separate issues in my opinion that should be kept separate. Although her handlers have done a fair job so far, she's certainly made enough controversial statements before and in the beginning of her current presidential campaign to give me serious pause as to her suitability to serve as our next President.
Although it may shock the likes of Yssup and some others here, I am no fan of religious extremism of any kind. To me there's little difference between some American blowing up an abortion clinic or some Jihadist blowing up a school in Pakistan/Afghanistan. It's religious extremism and simply wrong in my opinion.
Having said that, I do believe it's time for a change to our political system. I'm certainly on the record for having said that for a while now. So if you think that aligns me with Bachman, the Tea Party or Snow White and the seven Dwarfs, that's o.k. by me. I'm not one of those that needs to belong to a certain group to validate my beliefs, values or what I stand for.
The question is, would you fell comfortable with Michelle Bachman eye ball to eye ball with Vladimir Putin or Wēn Jiabao?
DTorrchia's Avatar
The question is, would you fell comfortable with Michelle Bachman eye ball to eye ball with Vladimir Putin or Wēn Jiabao? Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
At this point I wouldn't trust Bachman to be our next President. As I stated, many of her views are too extreme. Doesn't mean I don't like some of her positions but I simply think she's too extreme. Her Husband also appears to be a little "out there".
  • Booth
  • 09-08-2011, 09:42 AM _FBshare&t=Close+Read%3A+Repub lican+Debate%3A+Galileo+and+th e+Eight+Dwarfs+%3A+The+New+Yor ker

"Somehow, Nancy Reagan, a figure from another era, who sat in the audience wearing a spectacular pair of glasses, seemed more connected to the real world than any of the people onstage."
DTorrchia's Avatar
While I understand the point Amy Davidson is trying to make on the death penalty (I agree that cheering the number of executions was in bad taste), it's no secret that most Texans and indeed, most Americans, support the death penalty.

The science on global warming does continue to change and does remain unsettled. He's right in that regard. Does that mean we shouldn't do our best to protect our planet? No.
Priorities do need to be set however and I think Global warming is something that's not as an immediate of a pressing issue as our economy, jobs, etc.
  • Booth
  • 09-08-2011, 10:47 AM
I'd bet that climate change is a lot more important to the people of Bastrop County today than it was a couple of weeks ago.

I understand your reluctance to support Bachmann but wouldn't that same reasoning apply to Perry? Their religious beliefs are almost identical.