Obama's job plan

DTorrchia's Avatar
So Obama made several interesting points in his speech about the proposed "American Jobs Act".

OBAMA: "Everything in this bill will be paid for. Everything."

Hmmm, yet on HOW exactly this will be paid for he wasn't as forthcoming.

I don't know, if I'm sitting on the new "super-committee" and I've been tasked with finding ways to cut 1-2 Trillion dollars over the next few years, dumping another 500 BILLION dollar bill on my table probably isn't what I had in mind when I was tasked with finding ways to reduce the deficit.

Disclaimer: The below link is not a FOX news article, lol!

I don't know. I can't find a good breakdown of it anywhere. It is said that more details will be cut loose on the 19th. I wish that he would release this stuff in writing or in the form of legislation so it can be evaluated properly. Is there anything new proposed?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, I am pretty sure he was an ABJECT LIAR! At least that's what Governor Parry said Wednesday night ... right before the fact checkers called BULLSHIT on him.

Disclaim all you want, folks. This isn't about the media. This isn't about November 2012. It's about the 15+ months between now and the next inauguration. You just want to whine until then? What if you're fuckee fuckeed right now; living month to month, day to day? How's YOUR stomach for the jerking off in Congress?

Fact is, that unless Congress does SOMETHING to move this country forward, it will surely fail, and neither man nor GOD will be able to save it.

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words? Well here's one that speaks volumes about the roadblocks to American survival.

BTW -- I'd totally fuck Lindsay. She doesn't weep like that little bitch Boehner, but unlike Boehner, she HAS been held responsible for her deplorable behavior!

DISCLAIMER: This was NOT a Fox news report, but it could have been...
Billy, here's a basic breakdown I found:

gfejunkie's Avatar
Why so serioussss?

"Pass this bill."

"You must pass this bill."

"Pass this bill NOW."

"What bill?"

"Oh, that's right. There is no bill."

Shades of, "We have to pass the bill to know what's in it."

Uh, no thanks.
Billy, here's a basic breakdown I found:

http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2011/...amas-jobs-bill Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Thanks Sharp.
Obama wants to create jobs??

First: Bitch Slap Barney Frank and Chris Dodd for fuking it all up when they had the chance to keep it going.

Second: fix the god damn housing industry that you let Barney Frank and Chris Dodd fuk up

Third: look for a new job for you are not going to get re-elected
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do any of you think Congress needs to pass this jobs bill? How about ANY jobs bill? How about anything that helps the US provide relief for working Americans before November 2012?


Naww... I didn't think so. Leave it to the Texas legislature, and other states. They're FAR better at this, right?

They'll be back in session in two years!
First: Bitch Slap Barney Frank and Chris Dodd for fuking it all up when they had the chance to keep it going. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
No advocating bitch slapping anyone from the Bush Administration who knew the problems and had 8 years to do something about it? No chastising of the millions of our fellow Americans who made conscious choices to purchase homes they knew damn well they couldn't afford? So much for free markets and less government eh?

Second: fix the god damn housing industry that you let Barney Frank and Chris Dodd fuk up Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
I thought you Republican types were all for free-markets and government staying out of the way? I guess that's only true until those free markets crash and burn eh Ralphey?

Third: look for a new job for you are not going to get re-elected Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Which of the current GOP candidates have any sort of plan to fix housing? None.

I am not a 'Republican type', I am by the people for the people, I am a Social Liberal and Fiscal Conservative..i am a Libertarian. I am not in favor of ideology forgoing common sense

you are assuming since I do like Democrats that automatically makes me a GOP Lifer??

not sure about you but my words come from reality, living it, not reading it in a news paper ..I have lived through it and still living it

I have been a Loan Officer for 15 yrs. Underwriting is harder today than in 1997 before any subprime mayhem loans ever hit the street.

when I started Subprime loans were all Full Income Doc and 10% down..
yes they fuked up when Wall Street was allowed sell CDO's without verifying collateral

you can tout any party you may.. I hate Barney Frank and Chris Dodd no one will change my opinion. They had a chance to be hero's but chose to be zeros instead..

greed knows no Political Party they( Congress) all failed
Yssup Rider's Avatar
greed knows no Political Party they( Congress) all failed Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
While I definitely agree with you on that REB, I find that only self-loathing right wingers tend to preface everything by telling everybody they're social liberals and fiscal conservatives.

So what are YOU going to do? Wait 14 months until your bank is busted again?

If so, then you'd better hope someone fixes something soon, or you'll be carrying cardboard!

Then how socially liberal/fiscally conservative will you be?
the same, I dont see me changing my beliefs anytime soon. I wish I was broke!! that would be a positive,, I am upside down to the tune of $50k, being broke would mean I am at par!!
the same, I dont see me changing my beliefs anytime soon. I wish I was broke!! that would be a positive,, I am upside down to the tune of $50k, being broke would mean I am at par!! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
So what makes you think that voting Obama out will make any difference? I've already pointed out that one, the GOP had 8 years to fix the problem and didn't, and two, the current GOP candidates don't have so much as a single thought, much less a plan to fix anything.

For full disclosure, I don't think there's really anything anyone can do to fix this particular problem. Just curious what you're thinking.
  • Laz
  • 09-10-2011, 05:21 PM
No advocating bitch slapping anyone from the Bush Administration who knew the problems and had 8 years to do something about it? No chastising of the millions of our fellow Americans who made conscious choices to purchase homes they knew damn well they couldn't afford? So much for free markets and less government eh?

One of the failures of the Bush admin was they did not push this issue hard enough. Their credit is they did try and Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and others like them opposed them. The reality is they probably made the political calculation that no matter how hard they tried the opposition would prevent any change. They still should have tried.

I thought you Republican types were all for free-markets and government staying out of the way? I guess that's only true until those free markets crash and burn eh Ralphey?

I am still for free markets. Government intervention caused this to occur. The government cannot now fix it. Over time a free market will.

Which of the current GOP candidates have any sort of plan to fix housing? None.

Good. Any effort they make would probably just make it worse.

http://www.independentagenda.com/unc...ia-on-housing/ Originally Posted by F-Sharp

As for being socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I am Libertarian which is not a cop out of any nature. It means that the government should stay out of lives and only do those things that no one else can. Like national defense.
Government intervention caused this to occur Originally Posted by Laz
Care to try and back that statement? I would argue quite the opposite. It was the lack of government intervention and regulation specifically by the GOP led House from 1995 - 2006 that caused this mess, not the aforementioned. Intervention and regulation falls sqaurely in the laps of Congress and in this matter Republicans were a complete and total failure as usual. I would even argue further that Bush himself was a major cause of this meltdown with his so-called "Amercian Homeownership Challenge" policies.
"For years there were bills in Congress to try to address what they called predatory lending, perhaps that was a prejorative -- lax lending -- but it was bad lending, whatever type of adjective you want to put on it. And they just couldn't get the political momentum to get anything done. And I think that was because everybody was making money. Even borrowers were making money if they could keep refinancing."

"Republicans were in power from 1995 through 2006 in the House, and they had complete control over what legislation did or did not pass."
“...in the years the Republicans wish to ignore because they cannot defend what happened – is that the Bush administration pushed for even more subprime lending, Alan Greenspan refused to use congressional authority he’d been given in 1994 to regulate it, and the House Republicans blocked any efforts to legislate against it. In fact, as quoted in a story in the Bloomberg News, when the Bush administration ordered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase significantly the number of loans they bought for people below median income..."


And of course there was this back in 2002:

"In June, President Bush announced the national goal of increasing the number of minority homeowners by at least 5.5 million by the end of this decade. Meeting the President's goal will not only help more Americans enjoy the benefits of owning their own homes it will also help strengthen America's economy. According to a study released today by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, meeting the President's goal will involve $256 billion in economic activity in the form of construction and remodeling jobs, spending on household goods, and other benefits."
