Tea Party Debate

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can there be a bigger display of toothlessness and brainlessness than tonight's Tea Party debate?

The only thing stupider than the candidates is the behavior of the audience.

I AM depressed. Huntsman calls Perry a traitor. WHOOP!

budman33's Avatar
Perry got his ass handed to him over the merck/HPV fiasco. Add in his social security faux pas and I'm about ready to stick a fork in him.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is there anything more priceless than the expression on the CNN reporters as they report on this congress of whores?

Liars? Charlatans? Deceivers? Absofuckinglutely. These people should not be running for the presidency, but running for the fucking border!

The only one who made any sense was Newt..but he's not radical enough to stimulate the gonads of the GOP primary voter.

The Tea Party? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! Fucking shoot me now!
Perry did indeed get his ass handed to him, he'll quickly fall to the bottom. I think Paul makes the most sense and is the least loony of the bunch, but I think he's a bit loony in his own right. Huntsman's not terrible either, but I think he's smug and proposing more of the same already failed strategies and frankly the whole Mormon thing scares me. Romney? Well let's just say he's a corporatist's dream come true. Newt's nothing but a neocon religious nutbag in Tea Party clothing. Thanks, but no thanks. I think this whole Social Secuity debate is scaring the shit out people, and I think it might just seal the deal for Obama in the end. Not that he's any great prize, but far lesser of the two evils.

I fully understand the idea behind a "corporate friendly America", but at what cost? We're not going to dig ourselves out of a $14 trillion dollar debt without raising revenue, and no one seems to be addressing this. If I have some time, I might just crunch some numbers and see what Herman's 9/9/9 plan would mean for revenue.
Dick Gozinya's Avatar
I dont care much for Romney, but the Republicans need a candidate from the north to win some northern states.
Here's where the stupid really begins to burn. Herman Cain wants to implement a 9/9/9 plan.


9% sales tax, 9% income tax, and 9% corporate tax. Sounds great right? Low taxes and everyone pays their fair share. Well, no suprise to me, he's way the fuck off! Here's some figures from 2009:

Total Retail Sales - 2009: $4,091,723,000,000
9% = $368,255,070,000

Total U.S. Wages Paid - 2009: $5,900,000,000,000
9% = $531,000,000,000

Total U.S Corporation Profits (rough guess based on quarterly data avg. of $1.25 Tril) - 2009 : 5,000,000,000,000
9% = $450,000,000,000

$368,255,070,000 + $531,000,000,000 + $450,000,000,000 =

Total United States Revenue = $1,349,255,070,000

Anyone else see a problem here? How about this...it's only about 38% of our current annual budget! Unless we cut $2.1 trillion + interest from our current budget we'll double our current National debt of $14 trillion within 6 years. Assuming wages don't continue to drop an average 6% a year and another recession doesn't eat up retail sales, you'd need a 23/23/23 plan just to break even, and that's without ever beginning to touch our current National debt. For someone who claims to be a businessman, his math is particularly bad.

This should give you a rough idea just how loony these GOP characters really are.

Dick Gozinya's Avatar
Yeah, he will probably wanna cut out Obama's wasteful spending. How is that retarded? Herman Cain kicks ass.
Yeah, he will probably wanna cut out Obama's wasteful spending. How is that retarded? Herman Cain kicks ass. Originally Posted by Dick Gozinya
What wasteful spending? And where are you going to cut over $2.1 trillion from our annual budget?

The only money Obama has spent in three years has been a direct result of GOP supported corporate welfare and stimulus spending, and it's not anything near what his predecessor spent. The rest of the deficit is nothing more than Bush tax cuts and the two wars we're hanging on to. You can argue that perhaps the stimulus was not wanted or needed, but there's plenty of information out there to argue against that position. I certainly wouldn't label it as "wasteful". Rather, some of it was perhaps unneccesary. If there was no recession caused by the previous administration, it's easy to see that none of this "spending" would have been wanted or needed. Further, it's rather hypocritical to conclude that the large portion of this "spending" being tax cuts is wasteful, while we continue to extend the Bush era tax cuts which have added over $3 trillion to date to our National deficit.

As I already showed you, Herman Cain is nothing more than another math challenged candidate.
"So far, the Obama administration has pushed for six major, immediate spending increases that aren’t offset elsewhere in the budget: the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (aka “ the stimulus package”), which had a 2009-10 price tag of $340 billion, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office; the GM/Chrysler bailout and other portions of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which have largely been paid back ($25 billion); unemployment-insurance extensions ($67 billion); COBRA extensions ($9 billion); Cash for Clunkers ($3 billion); and loans to automakers for energy-efficiency improvements ($8 billion). That’s $452 billion. Factor in $296 billion in stimulus funds that have yet to be spent and $136 billion in refundable tax credits that passed in December as part of Congress’ bipartisan tax compromise, and you wind up with $884 billion on the spending side of the equation.

That’s a hefty sum of money. But here’s the interesting thing: Obama’s tax cuts have been even bigger. The first of them, $238 billion in cuts for taxpayers and businesses, came as part of the stimulus package. The second portion, $721 billion worth, arrived in December, again as part of Congress’ bipartisan tax compromise. Subtract $54 billion in forthcoming stimulus-related tax hikes, and you’ve got a grand total of $905 billion in tax cuts. In other words, Obama has slashed one tax dollar for every dollar he’s spent on government programs.

(One yet-to-be-implemented program worth considering: Obama’s new health-reform law. In March 2010, the CBO estimated that “Obamacare” would produce a 10-year spending increase of approximately $250 billion and a tax increase of slightly more than $400 billion, totals that will tilt the equilibrium between Obama’s spending and tax cutting toward the former in future years. The CBO also estimated that the new law will reduce the deficit by $118 billion over the same period.)"


  • Booth
  • 09-13-2011, 07:44 AM
Bring the troops home today. Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, Poland, bring them all home.
Dick Gozinya's Avatar
Stop the illegals, stop entitlement programs(both foreign and domestic) fight the wars more efficiently, then throw in tort and energy reform, and you'll cut trillions from the budget, both short and long term.

I would also like to add that pointing out how bad Bush 43 sucked is no excuse for Obama sucking too.
Conservatives continue to sell us their fiscal responsibility, but their record proves otherwise. President Ronald Reagan, who increased the debt from $900B to $2.8T in 8 years, a $1.9T (+211%) increase equivalent to about $5T in today's dollars. President George H. W. Bush increased the debt from $2.8T to $4.4T, a $1.6T (+57%) increase equivalent to $2.5T in today's dollars (keep in mind he only served one term). President Bill Clinton increased the debt from $4.4T to $5.8T, an increase of $1.4T (+32%) equivalent to $1.8T in today's dollars. Then comes President George W. Bush, who increased our debt from $5.8T to a whopping $10T, or a $4.2T increase (+72%).

I do wish we have a majority Republican Senate, House and a Republican president. That way 3 months later we can have the unemployment rate back to 4%, pay down the debt, eliminate the deficit, win the wars, strengthen the US dollar, reform Immigration, kick out all the illegals, build the border fence, Social Security, Medicare, defeat Al Qaeda completely, abolish the Fed, abolish the IRS and everything else they're promising. With a majority in Congress and White House there should be no excuses to perform, right? I mean Obama had 1 week to turn around the country and the Tea Party started complaining (but didn't complain through 30 years of destruction and increased debt). I think 3 months is generous.

If you read my sarcasm is because the bottom line is neither Democrats or Republicans have the majority's interest in mind. Politicians have been sold for decades and now we're paying the price. The US will continue to decline regardless of who's in power while the Demopublicans (it's actually one party, if you haven't noticed) keep taking us down to the slaughter house and all we can do is point fingers and fight with each other.

Let's go back to 9/12/01 when parties didn't matter and consider the treason that the Demopublicans have committed as our new reason to join together and get rid of those that benefit from our division.

Have a good day my fellow Americans! Yes, Americans, not Democrats, not Republicans, but Americans. Don't forget that, we seem to forget that we're in this together and we either fail or succeed together. Remember, Presidents don't fail, countries fail and they take their population along for the ride.

Dick Gozinya's Avatar
Again, just because the Bushs sucked doesn't Obama doesn't suck too.
You didn't read my message did you? It states in a few words "they all suck". Obama is a huge disappointment not because of his leftist or socialist leanings, I personally don't think he's a leftist or socialist as he has continued the Bush policies. I consider him Bush's 3rd term. I think Obama sucks because he has no balls to do what's right. He follows the polls and does what he thinks will get him re-elected. The country doesn't have time for a sitting president to campaign. The president should focus on his job and if he does a hell of a job there is no need to campaign. Simple as that.
Dick Gozinya's Avatar
Maybe we can just borrow more money from China.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
We better all learn how to speak Chinese. USA will soon be the new China.