Hey Whirly, does this mean America is "Trending" Democrat?

From Politico:

Government shutdown poll: GOP disapproval high

Seventy percent of Americans believe Republicans are doing a poor job with the budget.

By JOSE DELREAL | 10/7/13 5:10 PM EDT

A new survey shows that Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of the Republican Party’s handling of the government shutdown, with a majority of Americans surveyed voicing their “strong” disapproval.

The Washington-Post/ABC poll, out Monday, found that 70 percent of Americans believe the Republican Party is doing a poor job handling federal budget negotiations, up from 63 percent just before the government shutdown began. Of those sampled, 51 percent disapprove “strongly” of Republicans in Congress.

Congressional Democrats have also suffered according to the poll, although less so than Congressional Republicans. Before the shutdown, 56 percent of Americans disapproved of Democrats’ handling of the budget negotiation; their disapproval rating has moved up to 61 percent since the shutdown began.

President Obama’s approval rating received a slight bump according to the poll, from 41 percent approving of his handling of the negotiations last week to 45 percent in the new poll.

The survey of 1,005 adults was conducted October 2-6 and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.5 percentage points.

Ut oh Trendy, there appears to be even more bad news for the Republicants. In the Virginia Governor's race, the state seems to be "Trending" McAuliffe.

From Politico:

POLITICO poll: Government shutdown backlash boosts Terry McAuliffe

By ALEXANDER BURNS | 10/7/13 8:59 PM EDT

Democrat Terry McAuliffe has opened up a significant lead over Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the Virginia governor’s race amid broad public disapproval of the federal government shutdown, according to a POLITICO poll of the 2013 gubernatorial election.

McAuliffe, the former national Democratic Party chairman, is now 9 points ahead of Cuccinelli, the current state attorney general, in a race that also includes Libertarian nominee Robert Sarvis. In the survey, McAuliffe drew support from 44 percent of Virginians versus 35 percent for Cuccinelli and 12 percent for Sarvis.

Four weeks from Election Day, McAuliffe also leads Cuccinelli in a one-on-one contest, 52 percent to 42 percent.

The POLITICO poll, conducted by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling and Republican firm Harper Polling using automated survey methodology, is the first snapshot of the Virginia race to take into account the impact of the closure of the federal government. The survey tested 1,150 likely voters Oct. 5- 6 with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.

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