
Here's a hypothesis and then give your opinion please.

Provider A starts outting the real name of provider B to her clients.
One of provider A's clients contacts provider B to let her know that her real name is being outted.
The client tells provider B not to let alert anyone nor confront provider A because he's afraid of what she'll do to him.
Provider A is also sending out real life info about a hobbyist too.
Provider B is livid and wants everyone to know what is going on that she's being outted, wants to put out an alert on her.

Now, if provider A is capable of outing the real name of a fellow provider and hobbyist, what else is she capable of doing?

What are your thoughts?

Is it right that provider A have an alert on her and ban her from the board?
Should this all be kept a secret?
Is she a danger to the KC hobby world?
Isn't there an unwritten code between providers and hobbyists not to out others?
Bartman1963's Avatar
Mess with the Bull, be prepared to be gored. Someone doing that kind of thing needs to be made to stop. That is the kind of crap that ruins lives, gets people hurt, sent to jail or even worse. Whomever provider A is...please stop and think for a minute about what you are doing.
  • kcguy
  • 08-16-2011, 06:27 PM
Maybe provider B is full of shit, and is trying to eliminate legitimate competition from provider A.
Ms. Elena,

A similar thing happened to me from Provider "A" who i tried to be very kind to. Provider "A" turned my actions of kindness into a FREAK show and threatened me and threatened to out me to my Family! This has prevented me from really continuing in the hobby since. When you think you have trust between Provider/Client and it is violated it is just as serious as what you are talking about Ms. Elena. It appears Providers can ruin kind hearted clients whenever they get a hair up on their back! The Client and Provider should just agree to not see each other any longer but when threats of outing come into play over any kind of misunderstandings that crosses the code in my opinion!

I think if we can't trust the group in regards to keeping our "REAL" names and "Real" life out of the picture this threatens us all! it should "NEVER" be violated. People can and should choose not to see other people for whatever reasons but threatening outing should not be tolerated!

I thought Provider "A" was above that but it sure got me out of the game and I just looking in the windows these days!

Ms. Elena you are a Lady of class that I hold in high regard but this has kept me from participating in the hobby and heaven forbid contacting you and many providers! Becasue Provider "A" is well known in this circle!

Best Ms. Elena just my two cents!
Maybe provider B is full of shit, and is trying to eliminate legitimate competition from provider A. Originally Posted by kcguy
Its a freaking hypothesis dude!!!

Either give your opinion or don't contribute at all.

But, for the sake of argument....lets say there's valid proof.
dirty dog's Avatar
what if provider A has a history of this?
Starry69's Avatar
Is it right that provider A have an alert on her and ban her from the board?
Should this all be kept a secret?
Is she a danger to the KC hobby world?
Isn't there an unwritten code between providers and hobbyists not to out others?
I think an alert and a ban would be appropriate.
It should NOT be kept secret. Isn't promoting safety a big part of what this board is about?
A danger to the KC hobby world? Yes.
I believe there is an unwritten code of confidentiality between the oldest profession and their clients, but unfortunately sometimes people on both sides don't behave professionally.
TH64083's Avatar
There is clearly a danger presented here. As far as someone actually outing another goes, they need to be strung up by their Who-Who's or Ha-Ha's, IMHO. Since that is not possible, all members on this board need to informed to better protect themselves.

On a side note: Should there be trust? Yes, but unfortunately it must remain guarded trust. It is naive to think that someone else, on either side of the fence (or the same side for that matter) is going to handle themselves with the same level of discretion that you do. Trust makes the Fantasy part of the hobby so much more possible/enjoyable however. My 2 cents.
jeff one086's Avatar
Now, if provider A is capable of outing the real name of a fellow provider and hobbyist, what else is she capable of doing? Originally Posted by MsElena
taking pictures of your kid? contacting your wife on facebook? going to LE and turn? but, she will most likely never do nothing, but remind you of the info she has. a smart blackmailer plays her cards well, and has lots of cronies to do the dirty work, and clean up on aisle 3 in the locker room.
Mess with the Bull, be prepared to be gored. Someone doing that kind of thing needs to be made to stop. That is the kind of crap that ruins lives, gets people hurt, sent to jail or even worse. Whomever provider A is...please stop and think for a minute about what you are doing. Originally Posted by Bartman1963
yes, you start talking and what do you think she will do? or do you want to take that risk? ....so who is going to get gored? are you going to win the battle but lose the war? .....who's life is going to be ruined?
Maybe provider B is full of shit, and is trying to eliminate legitimate competition from provider A. Originally Posted by kcguy
the kind of crap you get anytime a provider opens her month. if it was a guy, it would be calling him a fag. lame, tired, bullshit. the sound you hear is fail. sounds like you know a "provider a", or something like that....water and vinegar bag.
...This has prevented me from really continuing in the hobby since...It appears Providers can ruin kind hearted clients whenever they get a hair up on their back!...but this has kept me from participating in the hobby and heaven forbid contacting you and many providers! ...Because Provider "A" is well known in this circle! Originally Posted by gentleman123
yep, there you go, between all the bs multi handles of the provider and the "wk" your fucked if you say a damn thing, kinda makes you wanna shut up doesn't it. nice to have minions around...
Either give your opinion or don't contribute at all.
But, for the sake of argument....lets say there's valid proof. Originally Posted by MsElena
that was an opinion, and proof or not, do you think people care about the truth? no....not at all, until it happens to them....then someone else shoulda said something, but they forgot some people do, and get ignored, or shouted down....so fuck it, they don't need to fight to get the truth out.
what if provider A has a history of this? Originally Posted by dirty dog
..and so? does it matter? who is going to fight a blackmailer? who listens? even if you don't have anything to lose, and fight back...minions, clean up on aisle 3.....
I think an alert and a ban would be appropriate.
It should NOT be kept secret. Isn't promoting safety a big part of what this board is about?
A danger to the KC hobby world? Yes.
I believe there is an unwritten code of confidentiality between the oldest profession and their clients, but unfortunately sometimes people on both sides don't behave professionally. Originally Posted by Starry69
yes, but will THIS board do anything? no, it didn't happen on THIS board. SO as far as they are concerned, it didn't happen. fuck the community and what is good for it....all the drama means more hits, more traffic.
professionally? discretion and decorum are lost...it's a thing of the past....it is a lost art...you get what you pay for...
There is clearly a danger presented here. As far as someone actually outing another goes, they need to be strung up by their Who-Who's or Ha-Ha's, IMHO. Since that is not possible, all members on this board need to informed to better protect themselves.

On a side note: Should there be trust? Yes, but unfortunately it must remain guarded trust. It is naive to think that someone else, on either side of the fence (or the same side for that matter) is going to handle themselves with the same level of discretion that you do. Trust makes the Fantasy part of the hobby so much more possible/enjoyable however. My 2 cents. Originally Posted by TH64083
....and who is going to string em up? the board doesn't care, they like the traffic, the mods don't care, they just delete posts, the multi-handle minions clean it up, and nobody cares after a few months....and so who really gets hurts? anyone who posts the truth, the person getting blackmailed.
trust? what trust? if a lie is repeated enough people believe it. between all the multi handles and providers with "guy" handles you will believe anything "provider A" tells you.

“A Good Anvil Does Not Fear The Hammer!” - old Italian proverb

hypothetically...of course....just sayin...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Geez, I wish I knew what the hell was going on. I'd prefer an alert. Does that answer the question?
Now, if provider A is capable of outing the real name of a fellow provider and hobbyist, what else is she capable of doing? Originally Posted by MsElena

Just about anything. Then again, anyone is capable of outing someone intentionally or otherwise.

What are your thoughts? Originally Posted by MsElena
From the cenerio you've mapped out... one needs more than hearsay to know that someone has outed someone else. Just because Client A says Provider A is a known scumbag and is outing people doesn't mean that there is more than his word against hers. If there is more proof than that then that information should be shared.

Is it right that provider A have an alert on her and ban her from the board?
Should this all be kept a secret?
Is she a danger to the KC hobby world?
Isn't there an unwritten code between providers and hobbyists not to out others? Originally Posted by MsElena
As far as pointing/banning going... If I had solid proof someone outed or threatened to out someone beyond hearsay or "he-said, she-said" BS, they could get up to 20 points for each violation. Banning them for a while would be quite easy after that.

Is she a danger to the hobby world? Maybe... but to herself, most definitely. How long do you think she'll keep the trust of her regulars if it is known that she makes a practice of giving out private information about other people in the hobby? Stuff like that bites you in the ass.

Downside to all this? The fact that banning someone will not stop them from disseminating information about their intending targets. She just won't be doing it on the site.
"..and so? does it matter? who is going to fight a blackmailer? who listens? even if you don't have anything to lose, and fight back...minions, clean up on aisle 3....."

Someone with nothing to lose. something to think about.
Stop giving personal information to prostitutes.

Problem solved.
Starry69's Avatar
LOL :-)

Problem solved indeed.
Thanks for all your opinions.

I wish more ladies would've spoken up, hell I wish more people would've spoken up period.