I'll be staying ... Still love and support this community!

Jochokidokii's Avatar
Hey fellow hobby luvvers!
I absolutely hate that things have gone down the way that they have and caused so many providers to decide to leave this community.
I think it's a shame that the government get us so in knots about what we decide to do in our free time that it would actually cause us to leave a safe and valuable community that has been an asset to us all in many different ways. If you ever paid attention, I'm no big deal, not even in my own mind LOL oh, I never really posted much in the weekly or the weekend updates to begin with. To me, the best I don't want to say the word advertisement so as not to get flagged but there is no other way to say it... The best blank is word-of-mouth. Always has been always will be. The shame lies in that we don't talk about it. Why don't we talk about it? We don't talk about it because it's taboo because it's not acceptable in other people's eyes. I don't know about y'all, but the only eyes that I really care about being accepted in are my own. Friends, they come and go. Family, hahaha, I love them please don't get me wrong, but I saw sign the other day honest or that said and I quote we treat you like family. I must have turned away from that store so quick I turned into a doggone tornado and literally tore s*** up trying to get away as fast as I could. Please God ... do not have complete strangers treating me like my family treats me because then I might actually put a gun to my head, seriously though...
Let me tell you why I'm staying, and maybe you'll read this and you'll change your mind about leaving because guess what, I need you... For various reasons, providers and hobbyists alike and we know those reasons we all know those reasons.
The main reason why I stay is because I'm surrounded by other providers that number 1 don't judge me number two they give me valuable references on who to see and who not to see number three they give me a community that I can be myself in and where I can share my experience and listen and learn from the shared experience of others.
I know this is getting wrong y'all and I apologize, I'm also making this post by using voice to text so I hope that it all comes out right and if it doesn't please feel free to p.m. me and I will clear anything up.
Anyways folks, like I said I will be staying because at the end of the day this is a valuable and wonderful community to be a part of whether I can advertise here or not.
it is my sincere prayer that someone changes their mind about leaving and continues to give to this community what it really is and not just take it we're advertising rights and when those rights disappear turn tail and run the other way. If you love our community and value our freedom and our safety and at the end of the day our voices, please change your mind and stay.