CIA Spying on Senate Staffers

boardman's Avatar

From IRS, NSA, the Justice department, CIA you name it. Does anyone think this administration has not fed this culture.

Sure there were problems before. Patriot act being one of them. Obama promised the most transparent administration in history yet this crap just keeps coming out. He has set the tone by not dealing with these things swiftly even if he isn't complicit. This kind of culture comes from the top down not the bottom up.

If you've ever read Gordon Bethune's book "Worst to First" and know anything about the turnaround at Continental Airlines in the 90's you know it takes responsible people at the top to change the culture.
Obama is the Frank Lorenzo of the Federal Govt.
What are you going to do? The Main Stream Media will not report it. Or dog the White House everyday with the scandals. Many of the network news agency higher up's spouses have been given high level federal jobs by the Obama administration.

Holder is in contempt of Congress but you won't hear it on the news, even Fox News. If a Republican was President, this would lead off the news each day, every day. The clamor for the AG's resignation would be HUGE.

I like how the Progressives are try to force out Ruth Bader Ginsberg before the 2014 elections because of trouble that happens if the Repubs take the Senate.

Impeach Holder.
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States, too... we found out the hard way.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The head of the CIA apologized but I didn't hear who he had fired and who he was recommending for indictment. This White House will not fire anyone for any wrong doing and it is wrong doing. I would want to know why they thought it was okay to do what they did, why they did it, and do they think that they did something wrong.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The DOJ will not do anything. This administration is so corrupt it reeks.
When government agencies can willfully violate the law, the Constitution, and do it with impunity why would they stop or even fear the consequences of being caught.

We are living in the most dangerous time of our lives when it comes to the destruction of this nation and what it was founded for, freedom and liberty from the tyranny of the rulers.