Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Trump has been indicted again

matchingmole's Avatar
Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Trump can't

keep his sorry ass out of trouble

The counts are:

Conspiracy to defraud the United States
Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
and conspiracy against rights
Cum guzzling
Lying like a sack of shit
winn dixie's Avatar
Great news. Keep em coming.
Let's get a guilty on ever count
Pos cum guzzling bone spurs
I'm too pissed off to be happy about this indictment. He really is a traitor who tried to subvert the Constitution. He lies every time his mouth moves, he's a racist cunt and he's currently the biggest threat to our national security. This motherfucker is the biggest piece of shit in U.S. history. Fuck trump and anyone who supports trump.
Time for the slimy, treasonous, cocksucker trump to go to the courthouse and get fingerprinted.

Another round of indictments surely awaits! His pre-election calendar is really filling up! He'll barely have time to hold his Klan rallies.