Usenet archives?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
In the past, I've been able to locate some old posts from the Usenet group via Google groups and maybe one or two other sites. Today, my internet fu is weak, and I'm not having any luck. Can anyone recommend a source you know will have such posts archived?
TinMan's Avatar
Let me know if you find any good stuff from a guy who called himself “TinMan”.

I really need to get around to changing my handle one day. 25 years carting around this metal suit is getting old.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Stick with the theme: Metallica, Heartless, Heart o' Vapor ...
TinMan's Avatar
Much better than my initial choices of Cowardly Lion or Toto.
Wow….Usenet. Haven’t thought about that in ages!
I was on there lol... the good ole days!
HotShot2's Avatar
You can go here, but it's not searchable.

Google groups is, but not sure how far back it goes. At least it is searchable.
I wonder what I was up to then. I was still cage196 back in the day. I remember some of you guys. I remember Tin Man for sure. Those were the days when you would see a provider and she would take an hour to get ready, see you for an hour or two and you were treated like a king!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Google groups is, but not sure how far back it goes. At least it is searchable. Originally Posted by HotShot2

This is what I used before and what failed me this time. However, I've been having some issues with Firefox lately. In this case, there's no search box or any other search functionality at the link you provided when I used Firefox. After your post, I thought I would try Chrome. The search function was available. I found at least some of what I was looking for, including some names and encounters I'd forgotten. Thanks much.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
You can go here, but it's not searchable.

Google groups is, but not sure how far back it goes. At least it is searchable. Originally Posted by HotShot2

This goes back to 1996(I seem to recall the group started around the end of 1995).