Hobbying just a Habit ?

internet_inventor2's Avatar
I was wondering, do any of find yourself hobbying/providing out of habit ?

I guess it can be more like a routine. It is like, you dont have to hobby/provide but it is a part of your routine. I think that hobbying has sort of become part of my routine for the past 9 or 10 months.

At the end of each week usually like a Thursday or Friday, I am like okay I wasted $$$ this week, I gotta stop that, I should just go to a bar and pick up a girl yada yada ya. Then I think, naw too much drama comes with that (S.O. at the house). Then by Monday, I am like, I need a massage then I talk myself out of that cause it is like wasted money when I can get more for the same as the massage + happy ending. Sometimes I talk myself out if it, BUT by Tuesday ( and reading ECCIE) I am like I need a session. Long story short, I am hobbying like twice a week (spending too much $$$$$$$$) ...... Notanewbie laughs at me cause I call and tell him that I am bored with the hobby, want the chase, then by the end of the day I have had a session, lol..... Then I call Newb and tell him that I am going to take a break from the hobby and yep you guessed it, I spend double, hell on those days I have seen two in a day.... I am soooooo lame ....

Now since I have written this, I will probably get a session tomorrow, lol. I really believe that it has become part of some weird pattern for me. The funny thing is that if I just go out and have a drink/mingle before I go home or in the day, I wont hobby . My itch is scratched. i think that I just like being around people hmmm. I may be on to something.

Did I just ramble ? I think I just like meeting new people .
II2......the longer you do it buddy...the harder it is to stop
pyramider's Avatar
At least you won't go blind.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
My momma said , "Son if you're bored... git yurself a hobby ... something that you enjoy doing.... something your good at ... something you would do all the time if you could .... something other folks get paid for.... that you would do for free just because you enjoy it... "
i have enough money saved up to have stopped a couple of months ago since im pregnant and all.....
i wouldnt call it a habit but more like a PLEASURE i seek everyday!!!

you know pregnant girls are always wanting some....thats how they get in this mess in the first place...lol
notanewbie's Avatar
It's about 50/50 for me. The first 50 I have some control over, the second not so much.
tikkler33's Avatar
II2, I agree that you are spending too much money on this and need to stop. So here's what I'll do: you send me that money so you won't have it to spend. I'll have the sessions and write some nice reviews for you to enjoy. We'll both be happy.
ray7's Avatar
  • ray7
  • 08-20-2010, 05:16 PM
I'm a part timer doing this but I will say it's very addictive and fun as hell !!!
II2, I agree that you are spending too much money on this and need to stop. So here's what I'll do: you send me that money so you won't have it to spend. I'll have the sessions and write some nice reviews for you to enjoy. We'll both be happy. Originally Posted by tikkler33
If you really are spending more than you can or should afford, then I would say it is time to rein things in and make a budget for yourself.

But, if you are just feeling bad over the actual act of it, but you also enjoy it, then you need to stop and have a conversation with yourself. If you can afford to do it, you enjoy it, and you're not hurting anyone, then what's the problem? Life should not be all work and no play, and everyone has different ways they "play".

Perhaps every time you feel the urge, you could take the money you would have spent and put it to the side, like literally physically to the side (I find a big glass jar hidden under my bed works for me, I do this every time I want to buy a starbucks, which is like 3-4 times a week usually). Then at the end of the month, take it all out and treat yourself to maybe two or three sessions. Take the rest of the money and either save it or spend it on something else that needs buying.
pyramider's Avatar
My momma said , "Son if you're bored... git yurself a hobby ... something that you enjoy doing.... something your good at ... something you would do all the time if you could .... something other folks get paid for.... that you would do for free just because you enjoy it... " Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

So what is your hobby?
This is where it reallly fucks you up:

If you have young innocent neices/nephews family members or loved ones who can benefit greatly from your donation.

How about a saturday morning where you roll out of bed after having two sessions costing you about $$$$ and you catch wind of a conversation or mentioning of how your nephew may or may not play pee wee football this fall depending how big the next two car-wash/fundraisers go.
DarthMaul's Avatar
I am thinking...a NEED.

I am "meating" women who are attracted to me...ok..it's the money. But they boosts my self-confidence. It's like dating as many women as you can afford.

They do things to me that I enjoy and I can do things to them that they enjoy. I get to stick my tongue up some lady's nice clean bush...she sucks me off and doesn't feel guilty about it.

Normally I would have to pay for dinner...a movie...a vacation...weekend re-treats...birthday gifts...etc. So..I am broke anyway it goes.

blowpop's Avatar
If it starts to become routine, or boring, take a break. I have, and when I came back, I found myself enjoying things much more again.
ICU 812's Avatar
I hobby so infrequently that each session is a concious decision and a committment of time and resources.