Anyone else into gaming?

Feel like I am the only one sometimes who is a gamer on here. Occasionally when not busy with work, going out with friends, etc..Sometimes need some time to just sit down and enjoy another hobby of mine. Currently playing Elder Scrolls Online beta for the weekend, WoW addict, and newest Tomb Raider all on PC. Might dive into a PS4 in the future, but haven't found a reason to get one yet. What else is everyone playing these days??
You are not alone.

I'm a console player. I stopped playing on PC once the first generation X-Box came out.

I haven't decided if I'm going to go PS4 or XBone at this point. I'm going to wait to see how the console wars turn out. I'm also waiting for improvements on the first generation systems.

I'm currently waiting for Titan Fall to release for the 360 system.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 03-15-2014, 10:07 PM
Feel like I am the only one sometimes who is a gamer on here. Occasionally when not busy with work, going out with friends, etc..Sometimes need some time to just sit down and enjoy another hobby of mine. Currently playing Elder Scrolls Online beta for the weekend, WoW addict, and newest Tomb Raider all on PC. Might dive into a PS4 in the future, but haven't found a reason to get one yet. What else is everyone playing these days?? Originally Posted by dew1212

dude, omfg!!!!

I want to play elder scrolls as well. I want to get that, but I don't want to pay like extra money every month just to play with other gamers.

Plus, playing skyrim, I'm not the kind of guy who would enjoy gaming with others. My playing style in skyrim is like a nightblade with a heavy emphasis on sealth and I love alchemy and enchanting.
JusticeMutt's Avatar
Classic gamer here, loved video games from the atari up until the original PlayStation. But after ps2 came out, I decided to quit spending money on systems. Nothing like a good board/card game with my chums anyway lol also love role-playing, whether it be classic (d&d) modern (world of darkness) or steam punk (tephra) we play it all
SWAT Kat's Avatar
Yes, dating myself, but gamer to me is tabletop RPGs

Love em, had many since D&D hit in the early 80s... just never got a chance to play most of them for lack of knowing anyone else that was interested.

D&D basic and expert set... FASA Star Trek and Doctor Who... TSR Marvel Super Heroes... and my favorite: Call of Cthulhu
Feel like I am the only one sometimes who is a gamer on here. Occasionally when not busy with work, going out with friends, etc..Sometimes need some time to just sit down and enjoy another hobby of mine. Currently playing Elder Scrolls Online beta for the weekend, WoW addict, and newest Tomb Raider all on PC. Might dive into a PS4 in the future, but haven't found a reason to get one yet. What else is everyone playing these days?? Originally Posted by dew1212
Currently playing the ESO beta as well. Played two weeks ago, too. Also play NBA 2K14 on PS3.
JusticeMutt's Avatar
Yes, dating myself, but gamer to me is tabletop RPGs

Love em, had many since D&D hit in the early 80s... just never got a chance to play most of them for lack of knowing anyone else that was interested.

D&D basic and expert set... FASA Star Trek and Doctor Who... TSR Marvel Super Heroes... and my favorite: Call of Cthulhu Originally Posted by Cyber Tech
Agree 100% most games these days reward the players that spend the most time/money on their games. I like games that are all about luck & skill
So how is call of cthulhu? My friends have always wanted to play it
Feel like I am the only one sometimes who is a gamer on here. Occasionally when not busy with work, going out with friends, etc..Sometimes need some time to just sit down and enjoy another hobby of mine. Currently playing Elder Scrolls Online beta for the weekend, WoW addict, and newest Tomb Raider all on PC. Might dive into a PS4 in the future, but haven't found a reason to get one yet. What else is everyone playing these days?? Originally Posted by dew1212
I've been a gamer for a very long time, from the Atari, to Contra, to Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect etc. I recently was made aware of a great FREE game that I play on the computer, Path of Exile. I'm not sure how they can support it for free, but the graphics and gameplay are quite good. I haven't tried Elder Scrolls, but will have to check it out now.
Any Madden players out there?
SWAT Kat's Avatar
So how is call of cthulhu? My friends have always wanted to play it Originally Posted by JusticeMutt
I love it, both as a Lovecraft fan and RPG player.

On the RPG side, it's not the usual game (compared to many that are focused on action and combat). It's about investigation and playing detective as you unravel what is going on in the story. Combat is usually to be avoided if at all possible, because of the nature of Mythos threats. They are otherworldly, and as such do not play well with physical laws (good luck trying to kill them by regular means) and cause loss of sanity to the player.

Because of that, I think it is a great game for people that really enjoy the acting... role playing out conversations, investigating, the mental disorders the characters pick up... it also lends itself to avoiding some of the annoying types of RPG people like power gamers and rules lawyers. The characters are not meant to last a long time. Sooner or later, they will either die, or lose enough sanity to where they are committed. Combat is again to be avoided, so adventures are not about how bad ass a fighter they are, how many kills did they have at the end of the session, or how much gold did they rack up, what level they are, etc.
JusticeMutt's Avatar
Sounds awesome! Yeah not every game needs to be hack n slash to be fun.
Don't get me wrong, it's fun to have combat filed games every now & then,
But good role-playing shouldn't be about the body count
  • dkj83
  • 03-16-2014, 01:54 PM
Any Madden players out there? Originally Posted by playIVkeeps
PS4... yes... don't do xbox...
mayorcastro's Avatar
For some reason I could never get into first person shooter games. I love Super Nintendo . I still have mine from '93 and play star fox, Mario allstars,and super metroid on the regular. I have a PS3 mainly for the blu ray player but I've taken a real liking to the Little Big Planet games. Maybe because they are like modern day super Mario brothers. I'm also a big fan of the movie trivia game Scene It.
Any Madden players out there? Originally Posted by playIVkeeps
Yup, play every other year. Rotate each year with Madden and NBA 2k. This year will be Madden and hopefully have a PS4 to play it on by then.

Mayor, you got the right idea. I got my SNES set up myself with Mario Kart for anytime someone wants to battle mode. Haha.

Lots more gamers out there than I thought. Glad others are playing too! South Park has got my attention today. Loving the references to the show and gameplay is actually enjoyable.
As for ESO beta, like Skyrim...has me sidetracked with side quests! Reason I never beat the main story in Skyrim. Went with a Necromancer style character who can summon awesome minions while being able to pound my enemies from a distance with a barrage of dark magic. Hopefully the MMO has something similar.

OH...and for those gamers who know this game character...COSPlay done extremely sexy here!!