Car Accident. I apologize for the inconvenience

Good afternoon!
This morning my car was hit when I was leaving my apartment complex by a car that slid off the road, causing me to slide as well and hit another. Everyone involved has minor injuries and will be fine. I know I made a few appointments today and have attempted to contact everyone. I apologize for the inconvenience and I will reschedule with discounted prices. Have a wonderful day!
I hope you're okay? Take care;-)!
Get well
Hope you are ok. Take plenty of advil soon before you start to stiffen up once the adrenalin wears off.
Sorry to hear that and glad that all involved are not hurt. Classy of you to try to reach out to your clients. Take care
Ahhh, what a bad day

Hope things look up for you!! Feel better soon.

Glad to hear no one was seriously injured..stay safe
pickupkid's Avatar
Glad your're ok get well soon
jack523's Avatar
Glad to hear u'r ok, babe. Let us know when we can resume enjoying u.