
Driver420's Avatar
Was on FB and saw a story that said they developed a rubber that changes color when exposed to a STD. Can't wait to see it hit the market hehe
It's more of a scientific experiment than an actual, practical tool imo

Who's the infected partner?

How about false positives? False negatives?

And, the biggest thing: it doesn't test for HIV.

Interesting, though.
That's kinda cool!!!! I would buy them when they hit the market! !!
Driver420's Avatar
I beats my uncles method. He served like 7 tours in nam and he swears by some lime method. Lol
Lime method? I would love to hear that one....old war myths are always fun to hear
John4229's Avatar
Lime method? I would love to hear that one....old war myths are always fun to hear Originally Posted by babykins78
The method (myth) is that if you drizzle lime juice on someone's genitals (or slip a wedge inside them) and they show signs of acute pain, it means they have active herpes. The reason being that the citrus acid is too weak to bother anyone unless they have an open sore, but even a small one will burn terribly if exposed to acidity.

That sounds plausible, but it's not an effective test for STDs that don't involve open sores (viral/bacterial), and it would also cause acute pain to a person who had abrasions that were not related to an STD (really vigorous sex without sufficient lube).

Might be interesting as a natural flavoring for oral, but of no medical value otherwise.
Wow....that's kinda cool....home remedies are always interesting
kinda closing the gate after the horse is out, no?
Precious_b's Avatar
This is actually a twist on an idea my cousin had.
His concept seemed to be pretty good to me.

Without reading the article, it would seem good if two different colour schemes could be produced: one on the inside of the condom showing an infection on the gent and a different one on the outside if the woman had something.