I 29 probably closing next week

Not sure if this is the best place, but just a heads up for people traveling in the Eastern Nebraska Western Iowa area that Missouri River flooding is going to cause travel problems big time along the River. Sounds like I 29 will be closed South of Council Bluffs to Rock Port Missouri next week June 6 -11. This could last for a month or two. Not to mention that going across the river could limit what bridges and hwys may be open. The bridges will all stay high and dry, but approaches and hwys could be closed getting to the bridges. Check for road closures like you would in the winter for major snowstorms.
nebman70's Avatar
I saw the Army Corps of Engineers map yesterday and they are predicting water 8 to 10 feet deep all over the area from the River east to the bluffs in Iowa. So I29 could be under as much as 6 feet of water in places. Went to A&M Greenpower yesterday as well they have moved out of their new building over in Iowa as they were told water would be 10 feet deep in their new store. It is going to be a mess over their for a while. I also saw on their predictions that Epply would be under water as well. I do not know if that will come true or not as the news says Eppley is protected, I guess we will see.

poprod's Avatar
Nebman, its a precussion of course and is expected for more rain. Anchor Inn is getting Deep also Stage is practically under water.
I'll swim part of the way if I have to (what's a little water when I'm all wet already? - LOL) - wild horses couldn't keep me away from you great Nebraska gentlemen! I'll be back soon!


- Jackie
You might have to cross the Missouri down there, and travel north on Hwy 75. There are ways to Omaha without swimming.
nebman70's Avatar
Jackie, if you need help getting here let me know, I got a big truck, I will come and get you.

Here is a link from the Omaha paper to an info graphic on the flooding map. Hard to tell about where the roads will flood, as they are built higher than surrounding ground.


Seems like there are always lots of stories about the flood there.

Also at the National Weather Service maps you can see the warnings. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/

This is the national map, just click on the map for where you want to see more details and forecasts.
I drove up to Missouri Valley last night and the access roads are about to be covered in water. Its sad to see it happening and thinking about who will be losing their business or homes.

I think Rider could give an excellent insight on the flood too. I'll ask him to hop on and post his knowledge/thoughts.
You might have to cross the Missouri down there, and travel north on Hwy 75. There are ways to Omaha without swimming. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Aww shucks, I'd rather be WET . . . heheheeeee

Jackie, if you need help getting here let me know, I got a big truck, I will come and get you.

Nebman70 Originally Posted by nebman70
Thanks sweetheart, I like big, um . . . trucks. Heck, I like all sizes . . .

You are a sweet man to offer to get me there safely!


- Jackie
There are still a few old timers that remember the 1952 flood of the Missouri. That is what this event is compared to. The sad part is that the high water will probably last into September.
poprod's Avatar
Jackie, it doesn't take a big man to rescue a damsil in distress, just a big heart & a BIG BOAT! I am here if you need me to throw out my life preserver
Poprod - awww shucks, you made me blush!

All you guys are so awesome!

I drove from central Nebraska to KC this afternoon, there were people pulled over on the side of the road taking pictures of the huge berms that had been built around the businesses where 29 splits to go up the hill to Nebraska City on Hwy 2 - the sign on the Motel says "lake property for sale, cheap".

I hope the water isn't as high as what is projected, it will be devastating!

Best to all - see you in Omaha soon!


- Jackiie
I just passed through the intersection of Hwy 2 and I-29. They are now building berms around most of the buildings/gas stations there. The east bound lane is partially flooded between NE. City and I-29.
The sad part Yachtmaster is that by June 14 the flow out of Gavin's Point will double the rate it is today. So the water is going to get a lot deeper than it is already. Not to mention the Platte River is expecting to flood at Fremont NE, which all goes into the Missouri River just below Omaha.
Yes, and I travel from Lincoln to MO every week and I'm wondering where I'm going to cross now.