
chifan's Avatar
Looking for some feedback on the movie. Some people I know who are very tough on movies just told me that it is the greatest movie they ever saw. Just thought I would get some opinions. North by Northwest (old movie) and Matrix (the first one) are favorites of mine.
I want to see this SO BADLY! Looks like it's really good, and the reviews I have read on it are outstanding. It is on my list, LOL
ogre39's Avatar
Catch the IMAX version if you can. Great visuals - nice acting. My favorite male Japanese (living) actor, Ken Watanabe! What's not to like!
Here we go...

It's a rip-roaring action flick with just enough science fiction to keep itself going, and one of the most involving plot in years. Very fun and well-designed action sequences, some gorgeous cinematography, and a well handled complex story.

Visually, it's all amazing to watch. Physics-bending fight sequences, particularly the one in the hotel corridors are just incredible. There's more action then you could probably want in a summer blockbuster-- explosions, fist fights, snowmobiles, shoot-outs... you're as bombarded by sound as you are by ideals.

Acting is top-notch too. Di Caprio as Cobb is a haunted man trying to pull 'one last job', battling guilt and fighting to control memories which are very much a threat to him. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page are up to the task as his team. Ken Watanabe is his usual engrossing self. However the best performance JMO comes from Marion Cotillard, who is fast becoming one of "Hollywood's" favourite actresses. Maybe you remember her from - Public Enemies and Nine as well - she probably stole the show.

I don't think I gave too much in a nutshell... The Matrix meets the Bond movies meets Mission Impossible.

Pick your time to go to the bathroom. So yes, I highly recommend seeing Inception.

Trooper H
TexRich's Avatar
the ending is controversial, it leaves you thinking what really happened?
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Trooper Hawk nailed the review, but I will add one thing that didn't work for me. I think the writers played fast and loose with their setup of the premise... meaning they didn't devote enough time and story to adequately explain their setup. I had trouble believing that one of the characters brought in and newly introduced to this world of dream incursion completely buys into immediately without any conflict. That's about my only beef with it. Otherwise the final act alone was awesome to watch.
chifan's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback. I am going to take the afternoon off tomorrow and go see it.
Boltfan's Avatar

I am willing to bet the Directors Cut Bluray will have some awesome additional footage along this line. Hard to make a movie 3 hours long and include even more. I agree, some additional development there would have been worthy of inclusion. Not sure Christopher Nolan could pull off "this is my movie, leave it alone" with the Studios. Well, now he can.

Bond meets Matrix meets The Game. Great mind fuck.
Think layers on top of layers on top of layers -- and get ready for a long discussion post movie!

(Plus the Juno girl seems to have grown up nicely . . .)

kzp0003's Avatar
I'm an independent filmmaker and i am very critical when watching a movie but when i saw inception i was fully engaged with the story instead of breaking down each shot in my head
80's Rocker's Avatar
This movie an old spin off of ""Dreamscape""..I think Dennis Quaid played in it ??

TexRich's Avatar
its not a spin off.
I want to see it myself. I hear alot of good things about it. It's a 148 min movie.
Boltfan's Avatar
Only 148 minutes? Seemed longer. Damn previews.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I'm an independent filmmaker and i am very critical when watching a movie but when i saw inception i was fully engaged with the story instead of breaking down each shot in my head Originally Posted by kzp0003
I am not a filmmaker but fancy myself an amateur critic. When I say I had issues with it they were minor minor issues. I may not know film shots that well but I thought it was beautifully shot.

I am willing to bet that the deleted scenes have more to fill in the story to my satisfaction.