Did You Reply to the Census? Be Honest...

Chung Tran's Avatar
I just did.. 10 minutes ago. Got a visit from a Census Worker, who left a notice today. I had the unopened mail sitting in plain sight, near my bed. I decided to open it tonight, it was dated March 12.

That Co-vid virus stymied my enthusiasm. Did it really even matter now? Will it even be counted?

I didn't realize you can do it on the phone, or the Internet now. I did it online, sapped 8 whole minutes of my time.

I had a unique code, that identified my address. Why can't we do that for the election? Because you could make up shit about who lives there, ages, etc.. I might could have done that here, on the Census.. I don't know what checks and balances are in play. I was honest, but....
TexTushHog's Avatar
Of course.
  • oeb11
  • 09-04-2020, 04:17 AM
There is a place on the census form to write in that One is a Citizen with Voting Rights.

I did.
No black helicopters at my house so far.

Of course.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ Drones ^^^ Helicopters are so old school
My advice is to not reply to the question of race. This gives the government power to divide us based on race, which I find disgusting.
texassapper's Avatar
Answering is how THEY will know where to send the sniper teams.
Chung Tran's Avatar
My advice is to not reply to the question of race. This gives the government power to divide us based on race, which I find disgusting. Originally Posted by spindrifter

I noticed you can list yourself as multi-racial now. And if you are ''Caucasian'' you must be more specific.. German, English, French.. Would you necessarily know? Does, say, 3/4 German, and 1/4 Italian count as just German?

There is a place on the census form to write in that One is a Citizen with Voting Rights.

I did.
No black helicopters at my house so far.

Of course. Originally Posted by oeb11
Was it a ''required'' question? I don't remember that anywhere. What if you didn't check that? Do they assume you are not?
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I did mine online awhile back, answered it honestly as well. I do have a pessimistic attitude as to just how complete/accurate this census will be, and I predict that this will be a huge story down the line. With that being said, we as a state and as a country use the census to determine so much within our government and our elections that I think if the system is trusted to allow for online census reporting then it should be just as trusted for online voting.
mtabsw's Avatar
No worries. My new phone with 5G already uplinked everything to Census folks, along with the IRS, FBI, NSA, FSB, SVR and 国安部
What's the point of listing as multiracial? We are all Americans and that should be the end of it...
texassapper's Avatar
What's the point of listing as multiracial? We are all Americans and that should be the end of it... Originally Posted by spindrifter
The race grifters can’t make any money if we all thought that way. Nope. There’s always a dime to be made exploiting the jealousy and greed of the poor.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Um check last census
Subtract death records
Add births and legal Imigration
billw1032's Avatar
Yes, I replied online after about the third reminder they sent me. It was several months ago, though, so I don't remember what was asked. I just remember that it didn't take very long, not at all like those 20 page forms they used to send in the mail.
I noticed you can list yourself as multi-racial now. And if you are ''Caucasian'' you must be more specific.. German, English, French.. Would you necessarily know? Does, say, 3/4 German, and 1/4 Italian count as just German? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I wonder how many people can answer a question like this accurately? Until a few months ago I was dead certain that my ancestors on both of my parents sides came from Germany. That was until my brother, who is more interested in this stuff than I am, sent me the results of his study of our ancestors. He traced some of them back to before 1500, and it turns out that some on my mother's side came from England. I never knew that. But my real question is, what difference does it make that my ancestors on my mother's side in the 1500's came from England instead of Germany? How is that going to impact anything that the government needs to do today? For sure, it has nothing to do with apportionment of representatives for Congress, which was supposed to be the original reason for a census.

Many years ago I discovered in the library a book called "Statistical Abstract of the United States". It was a book of maybe 500 pages of very fine print and contained statistics about everything you could ever ask about the U.S. and many things you never thought of. Producing that must keep many bureaucrats at the Commerce Department busy all year. Recently I went looking for something, and I see that book is no longer published. But I guess the data is still generated and published in different forms. Generating data makes work for people.
texassapper's Avatar
But my real question is, what difference does it make that my ancestors on my mother's side in the 1500's came from England instead of Germany? How is that going to impact anything that the government needs to do today? For sure, it has nothing to do with apportionment of representatives for Congress, which was supposed to be the original reason for a census. Originally Posted by billw1032
It won't be used until they need to use it. And then it will probably be to deny you health benefits in 25 years because your ancestors were white and came from Europe.

That and to establish quotas so that "shit looks like America". 13% black... 50% female, 35% hispanic... yadda yadda yadda.