Apartment North Dallas

Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-10-2011, 12:10 PM
(correction condominium, friend called it apartment when giving me the number)

So I am leaving a very recent meeting with newly met friend and I get stopped by LE 15 steps out the door. After 20 questions I am let pass. So now I wonder the implications of:

posting more specific information: location

In retrospect my new friend i suspect knows the heat is on from the conversation after i described what happened.

Are there obstruction lines that can be crossed? Someone making a single misstep here could have completely different results.

There is a price for civil disobedience, are you prepared to pay it?
sinner!!! sinner! lol.
Admiral Nelson's Avatar
Could you give a general idea of the type of questions asked? Also what reason were you given for being stopped and questioned?

TheWanderer's Avatar

Are there obstruction lines that can be crossed? Someone making a single misstep here could have completely different results.

There is a price for civil disobedience, are you prepared to pay it? Originally Posted by Pocket Spock
Mr. Spock, I understand your need for being logical.
If you would rephrase those questions for us with less ambiguity*, someone might be able to help you, provided help is what you desire.
______________________________ ____________________________

* Ambiguity is a term used in writing and mathematics, and under conditions where information can be understood or interpreted in more than one way and is distinct from vagueness, which is a statement about the lack of precision contained or available in the information.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-11-2011, 09:46 AM
Sorry yeah my nightmares are ambiguous sometimes, so anything I write here could be my mind playing tricks and filling in gaps with pure fiction.

So this friend has many many references on this site and others. Reading them there were many references to another friend in the same complex.
(implications, naming location = collateral damage)

LE or very good impersonators are camped at the location. In this nightmare LE came out of an adjacent condo like a tenant and got a visual on me. Same person was waiting for me when leaving: stopped and questioned me leaving as to my ID, business, who I was there to see, as well: if I had just purchased sex for money.
(implication = I am known to LE and connected to this effort = ambiguity)

So in this nightmare thankfully I woke up before I was dragged down for obstruction or some such nightmarish scenario.

Weird how dreams are a warning but are so damn ambiguous!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Thanks for the alert. I definitely won't go near that complex.
So if I understand all this correctly: Some 'friend/provider' somewhere in North Dallas who shares a condo/apartment with another 'friend/provider' seems to have LE doing surveillance of their business and/or clients coming and going and if one should go to the said place.... somewhere in North Dallas, one should consider they're being watched? Is that right? Well I will try all the clues again to see if I can at least narrow it down to within a 10 mile radius of the said place. In the meantime, I would hope you did inform the 'friend/provider(s)' of the events.
Legman, well done. That is the best summary of this alert.

How long is a piece of string?
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-11-2011, 11:17 AM
So if I understand all this correctly: Some 'friend/provider' somewhere in North Dallas who shares

(from the reviews I read there seem to be more than one friend operating independently of each other, your interpretation is possible but I saw no other connections other than in a review someone mentioned they were in the same complex)

a condo/apartment with another 'friend/provider' seems to have LE doing surveillance of their business and/or clients coming and going and if one should go to the said place.... somewhere in North Dallas, one should consider they're being watched? Is that right?

(definitively yes)

Well I will try all the clues again to see if I can at least narrow it down to within a 10 mile radius of the said place. In the meantime, I would hope you did inform the 'friend/provider(s)' of the events.

(I am sure this friend knows she is being watched)
cowboyesfan's Avatar
I am soo confused.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I am soo confused. Originally Posted by cowboyesfan
Just imagine a stargate controlling the entrance to a wormhole.........then you'll grasp the concept.

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
please...day drink responsibly.
Completly useless. No location, no real information ,nothing here at alll that would be helpfull. Prehaps if you dropped the Spock stuff and tried normail english, this might be usefull. Moving to co-ed as there is nothing resembling an alert here
LazurusLong's Avatar
Marco??!!! Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth