The Can Can is a dance.....

For the one who called me an idiot.......The Can Can girls....That there's book learning....Here's a little tid bit for ya

The cancan first appeared in the working-class ballrooms of Montparnasse in Paris in around 1830. It was a more lively version of the galop, a dance in quick 2/4 time, which often featured as the final figure in the quadrille. The cancan was, therefore, originally a dance for couples, who indulged in high kicks and other gestures with arms and legs. It is thought that they were influenced by the antics of a popular entertainer of the 1820s, Charles Mazurier, who was well known for his acrobatic performances, which included the grand écart or jump splits—later a popular feature of the cancan. At this time, and throughout most of the 19th century in France, the dance was also known as the chahut. Both words are French, cancan meaning "tittle-tattle" or "scandal", hence a scandalous dance, while chahut meant "noise" or "uproar". The dance did cause something of a scandal, and for a while, there were attempts to repress it. Occasionally people dancing the cancan were arrested but it was never officially banned, as is sometimes claimed. Throughout the 1830s, it was often groups of men, particularly students, who caused the most outrage by dancing the cancan at public dance-halls.
As performers of the cancan became more skilled and adventurous, it gradually developed a parallel existence as entertainment, alongside the participatory form, although it was still very much a dance for individuals and not yet performed on stage by a chorus line. A few men became cancan stars in the 1840s to 1860s, and an all-male group known as the Quadrille des Clodoches performed the dance in London in 1870. But women performers were much more widely known in this period. They were mostly middle-ranking courtesans, and only semiprofessional entertainers—unlike the dancers of the 1890s, such as La Goulue and Jane Avril, who were highly paid for their appearances at the Moulin Rouge and elsewhere. The female dancers of the Second Empire and the fin-de-siècle developed the various cancan moves that were later incorporated by the choreographer Pierre Sandrini in the spectacular "French Cancan", which he devised at the Moulin Rouge in the 1920s and presented at his own Bal Tabarin from 1928. This was a combination of the individual style of the Parisian dance-halls and the chorus-line style of British and American music halls (see below).
I knew exactly what you meant, it just sounded phony and "not bright". congratulations on learning to use wikipedia. you're still "not bright". I won't use the i word anymore.
Naturally you did..............

better now? I got 3 domination appts I gotta stretch for.. If I'm not tired I'll come out an play later chica.. Peace.
We believe you, so much.....
boardman's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in the Sandbox?
Shouldn't this be in the Sandbox? Originally Posted by boardman

For once, you're right...

Back on topic please
boardman's Avatar
For once, you're right...
Originally Posted by DickEmDown

I hope that the irony in that statement doesn't escape the masses.....
For the one who called me an idiot.......The Can Can girls....That there's book learning....Here's a little tid bit for ya

The cancan first appeared in the working-class ballrooms of Montparnasse in Paris in around 1830. It was a more lively version of the galop, a dance in quick 2/4 time, which often featured as the final figure in the quadrille. The cancan was, therefore, originally a dance for couples, who indulged in high kicks and other gestures with arms and legs. It is thought that they were influenced by the antics of a popular entertainer of the 1820s, Charles Mazurier, who was well known for his acrobatic performances, which included the grand écart or jump splits—later a popular feature of the cancan. At this time, and throughout most of the 19th century in France, the dance was also known as the chahut. Both words are French, cancan meaning "tittle-tattle" or "scandal", hence a scandalous dance, while chahut meant "noise" or "uproar". The dance did cause something of a scandal, and for a while, there were attempts to repress it. Occasionally people dancing the cancan were arrested but it was never officially banned, as is sometimes claimed. Throughout the 1830s, it was often groups of men, particularly students, who caused the most outrage by dancing the cancan at public dance-halls.
As performers of the cancan became more skilled and adventurous, it gradually developed a parallel existence as entertainment, alongside the participatory form, although it was still very much a dance for individuals and not yet performed on stage by a chorus line. A few men became cancan stars in the 1840s to 1860s, and an all-male group known as the Quadrille des Clodoches performed the dance in London in 1870. But women performers were much more widely known in this period. They were mostly middle-ranking courtesans, and only semiprofessional entertainers—unlike the dancers of the 1890s, such as La Goulue and Jane Avril, who were highly paid for their appearances at the Moulin Rouge and elsewhere. The female dancers of the Second Empire and the fin-de-siècle developed the various cancan moves that were later incorporated by the choreographer Pierre Sandrini in the spectacular "French Cancan", which he devised at the Moulin Rouge in the 1920s and presented at his own Bal Tabarin from 1928. This was a combination of the individual style of the Parisian dance-halls and the chorus-line style of British and American music halls (see below). Originally Posted by angelinadream

im so glad you know how to use google crazy old women that still thinks she can run a successful agency and not be outed out!!!

Your picture will come up try it

no really try it

i bet your crazy ass did huh

I bet your old crazy ass needs help googling huh?

For the record i was tryn to be nice to you when others werent, thats why i stopped hating on you....but since you brought my name back out of your mouth, then my gloves have been taken off, you get whats coming to you holds bar....i know all about you and your stupid little hand puppets....What you dont know about me, is that i am not the one....I know things about you and Rapheal.....oh so many little not gonna out you though.....not yet?

Im gonna have fun with this while i can......sooo please hate on me and keep my name in your mouth....cuz like i said you will regret putting it there to begin with!!!
Raphael's Avatar
now google crazy old women that still thinks she can run a successful agency and not be outed out!!!

Your picture will come up try it

no really try it

i bet your crazy ass did huh

DDDUUUUMMMMBBBB Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Yet more thread jacking and stalking coupled with one of the nastiest post & threat of outing I have seen so far on ECCIE...

Becky understandbly has not forgiven Kosair for outing her. I trust no outing will be tolerated here.
You all need to get serious...all this lame threatening shit is childish...I don't think you guys know dick about each other, you just like saying it to try and scare each other. Got news kids, it doesn't work, you all just sound childish. How about you all grow sets of nuts and get real and accept the consequences of saying what you know or just not say anything anymore. I'm actually getting tired of Raph, Angelina, Daphne, Brooke, Babydoll and others just talking shit back and forth and not really doing anything. And NAN, stop feeding the handpuppet, he's not going to say anything interesting...

You're all way past boring. The way you posture and prance but still puss out like little girls when the moment of truth appears is just pathetic. Get over yourselves, and cowboy the fuck up or shut the hell up. Either way, the board is tired of all of you...
notanewbie's Avatar
Internet Sheriff, you does has some stroke
proper's Avatar
this can can "canned" a whole bunch of folks
TexasGator's Avatar
WOW! Now if we can just get rid of that

they call


we could