What Do You Guys Think About this ?

So I have been scrolling craigslist for a while now looking for rent homes when i came across this ad


Of course it sounds way to good to be true but one of my ladies is going through a hard time right now and could really benefit from something like this what do you guys think should i help her apply or do you think its dishonest people trying to get her personal info.
nothing came up for Unity Place in dallas texas on google
I would e-mail them and ask them for more info before giving them any
cats are OK - purrr !!
dogs are OK - wooof !!!
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

definitely get more info before giving them any...Woof!
I am always weary of these things. It has to cost someone money, the question is who. Try Dallas CAD (www.dallascad.org) for any tax record info. They will list the owner/s if it is listed.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
One odd restriction that I see there is that you will NOT qualify if your credit score is above 650.

In the real world you get penalized if your credit score is too low, but here they want to penalize you if your credit score is too high!

I think I would look elsewhere.
fastgunn it sounds like they are saying this is some sort of public housing plan so the high credit would exclude potential renters.They are supposedly trying to help those who cannot get decent housing because of their monetary problems. Again.I would want more info before proceeding.
something99's Avatar
While I am sure your friend could use the help, the add itself has some red flags and one dead give away that its a fake.

Dead giveaway, no link to their website or a phone number.

Sending your personal information in a word document? Any legitimate organization would have a standard web form to fill out, or that you could print.

There are also several typo,s and grammatical errors.

This housing program is attended.... INTENDED

All interview locations will be on public transportation and... PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ROUTES

I took the liberty of looking up the business name Unity Place, on the Texas Secretary of State website, no such business or non profit exists.
thanks guys for all the help i sure would not want to send her in the wrong direction.
  • npita
  • 01-18-2010, 10:02 AM
If they won't meet you in person to get your personal information, assume it's a scam.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Most things that sound too good to be true, are too good to be true.
i812-)'s Avatar
Kaci I think this is a good ad to turn over to the attorney general. I work as an auditor for public housing authorities. Privacy issues are a major major major importance and a legitamite housing would not be advertising on the internet. Most housing programs have a two year waiting list and dont need to advertise. They are usually well know in the area and do not need to advertise on CL. Second the client has to sign a release of information for the housing authority to request financial and personal information and must witness the signature and should view a picture id to verify idenity. Lastly most housing programs ask that you be an american citizen yet this one is silent.

My personal opinion is this is an idenity theft scam and if they were dumb enough to post it on craigslist they should be on dumbest crooks.

If your friends needs help investigate legitamite housing authorities www.hud.gov/offices/pih/pha/contacts