Desperation & Slandering

Excuse the user name, I know it's a throw off lol but what I'm about to say is very serious & something I will no longer bite my tongue about. I know when I came out from UTR, several were concerned if I was going to cause drama with Lariyah & the PaperChasing crew. I have not exchanged words with this woman since March when she accused me of destroying her property. Anyone who knows me personally, knows I couldn't do anything like that. Its been an ongoing battle for me to keep Lariyah & AY from throwing dirt on my name. I've told gentlemen I'm over the situation, I have no hidden agenda of destroying this woman's biz, hell, we are all here for the same reason! Even AY! Regardless of the truth of her having a pimp, she is still a good provider. But if you're concerned who is collecting your info & whom you're corresponding with via pm or email, I feel honesty & safety is the best policy! I've been accused of having severe mental issues I need to seek help for, & I'm sorry, but if any of you went thru what I have with these people, you would feel anger, hurt, sadness & disappointment. I am entitled to feel this way! I've done all I could to detach myself from these issues & drama & rebuild my reputation & even my life! But I swear, any time Lariyah can, she slanders me & accuses me of stuff I had NO doing with! Any time I've contacted this woman, I have contacted her direct from my email or my #. Well long story short, I was out last night with my best friend playing Pokemon Go (don't judge) & I received a phone call from a gentleman who would like to remain anonymous, telling me Lariyah is trashing me on her Tumblr & even using my real name! I have my own personal Tumblr, so I contacted her thru it asking her to take my name down & please leave me out of her drama. It was gone within an hr, then again this afternoon Its up again! Anytime someone calls her out on her lies she either links it to me or another lady. Fails to realize, there's more than just me or another lady who knows the truth of her character & the truth of her situation & will call her out on it! Why? This has gone on a yr & everyone knows I've done nothing to detour those from her. I don't even get mad if someone I see, sees her. I just request they don't tell her or Ellie any of my biz or where abouts. But yet, here I am getting accused of being jealous, obsessed, infatuated & a stalker. I have no reason to be jealous. There is no reason for me to be. I'm a beautiful, strong & independent woman.
I want everyone to take a look at Lariyah's Tumblr, please witness the mess I deal with. Even more so, please go to my Tumblr, tattooednbeautiful903 I have posted everything needed to know about this situation.
I am done with the rocks being thrown at me. I am done with my name being slandered. Lariyah, I don't want AY. AY, I don't want you or care what you do. I thought if I left you all alone, maybe you would do the same. Obviously there's intimidation & an axe to grind. You see I didn't even blast you 2 for the real reasons you 2 are going to Memphis. You see I've stayed in my lane & minded my own biz. But I will not take being played out to be a liar or fake. I've always been a genuine good hearted person.
I'm sorry for this in advance. But I don't care to be on this site anyways. I'll take being banned for life. I'm doing just fine with one site!
Hey look, a Squirtle!!
I am sorry dear for all the shit you dealt with. I don' t know who you are, and I'm to stupid/lazy to look it up, but nobody should deal with shit from a no good POS pimp, and her top bitch.

There are a lot of good clients on here. You have to wade through a lot of bullshit, but we are here.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
Gahhh HERE WE GO AGAIN! So you make ANOTHER fake account to stalk me on here lol! I don't see how this provider is able to make all of these handles after being banned from here. Isn't it against the rules for a banned member to make another handle, get that handled banned and make ANOTHER handle? GEEZ! You have not went through anything with me because I have never met you! LET ME REPEAT, I HAVE NEVER MET THIS WOMAN! You didn't go UTR, you got banned from this site for posting links to personal information that YOU created about me lol.

You haven't exchanged words with me since March because I haven't responded to you, but please don't act like you haven't contacted me since then. I've got the emails, texts and PM on P411 that you sent me to prove it! As soon as I get the OK from P411 to post the message you sent me on there back in June, I will do just that. Not to mention the time you went out of your way to find out where my incall was located. You called my incall asking them to call my room phone from the front desk. All while you called my phone from an unknown number at the same time, multiple times. I have the "Nasty" emails you have sent me I have the "apology" emails you have sent me. I have the texts where you pretended to be a client and attempted to set up a meeting with me hoping to find out where my location was.

There is no attachment with us but if you are so called trying to detach yourself why do you keep up the drama? Why do you keep calling and texting me? Why email me on P4? Why?? Please produce anything sufficient and accurate, information that proves i've done anything to you. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT YOU AND IT'S OUT OF MY CHARACTER TO SPEAK BADLY ON ANYONE! I rather smile and keep moving on! If I was slandering your name and if it's such an ongoing battle with me please present facts of me calling you, texting you or throwing dirt on you. Surely you can prove this claim! I'm also waiting on facts of me not running my account or passing my guys information to anyone else.

It's against Eccie guidelines to have someone running your account that you didn't give permission or authorization to. That's an immediate ban. I'm still here, so what does that tell you?? As long as I've been a provider, surely a gentleman would have spoken out about me giving out his info already!! As long as I've been a provider and out of all the reviews I have, surely the reviewer would have mentioned that I had a manager by now don't you think. You are the only person putting out personal information on everyone! You continuously talk about me being managed hoping that make guys hesitant to see me, it's not working! Come up with something else!

What are you going to say next? Why don't you call it what it really is and not what you are trying to portray it to be. Please tell me what is your reasoning behind all of this and starting this OVER again? Is it because your whole slander campaign about me being managed isn't working anymore? Most guys here see through your antics. You are mad at me and you blame me because you think I took your S/O or something, when that was not the case! I don't want your man. Never have. Never will. Like I told you I have enough friends who keep me busy and happy! Guys be careful and don't get on her bad side and that's all I have to say about that.

Please stop acting all sweet and innocent. I haven't slandered your name sweetheart, it's you who are going around slandering and linking real world information to the hobby about me. You have been at it for years now! Please understand that I will always have clients and regulars, just as you will and a good portion of them are the same gentleman. So obviously your slander campaign is not working. No one called you and told you about me posting your name. Where I posted is not advertised anywhere and I have no followers there so no one told you.

The only way you would know was if you stalked me through other sites. You started the nasty texts less than 3 minutes after I made that post. I guess that's not stalking, right? I didn't take it down because you asked me to, I took that s**t down because I don't want your remarks or comments on my page. Next thing I know I wake up to a barrage of notifications and see you are posting pictures of me so yeah that s**t went right back up! I'm still trying to find out how is that slander? Out of all my post you took offense to a post that never mentioned your name until you commented from a fake made up page (which you are notorious for doing).

There isn't one credible source who can say that I've talked bad about you. If you look at the post YOU made about me, from your other handle the person writes just like you and OMG the screenshots are coming from the same phone that you have, but it's not you right lol? Do you think before you speak? You are so delusional! One moment i'm ugly and you're so much better than me, the next minute I'm prettier than you and better than you (your words not mine) proof is in the writing, your writing! I don't care who is prettier or better. None of that matters!

How old are we again?? This isn't a beauty pageant. If it makes you feel better you can have the title of being better and the most prettiest. This is so childish! Anyone I see that asks about you and the drama surrounding you could never say that I've said anything bad about you and I've always given you compliments. This has to stop at some point because i'm so tired and fed up with this back and forth drama with you. One month you're sending hate mail to me, then the next you are sending apology emails. Unstable? Probably!

You want to complain about someone using your name but did you forget you linked yourself to it and included a picture of yourself in it lol. I don't give a s**t what you do or when you do it! You say I get upset when you come back to KC, did you forget I live in Miami? I'm only here half of each month if that! You can come to KC all you want! Come to think about it, you don't live in KC either, lol. This is all just childish and immature. It's no coincidence that you make this thread when I'm in KC the longest I have been in some time now. You keep saying "intimidated", but what is there to be intimidated about? All you do is send threats through texts and emails, that's not intimidating, lol!

Furthermore, If you knew why I went to Memphis you wouldn't be saying the crap you are saying. I was asked to come there by several gentleman and the guys on here know that so try again. Anytime I get interest from somewhere I'm going, I don't care where it is! You aren't saying anything on here that you have not said in the past two years about me! You should be tired of the drama by now. If you didn't care to be on this site you wouldn't keep coming back with fake handles!
LIL PP's Avatar
Really?? How old are we? Someone should check ID'S at the door. Let's keep eccie's integrity and use it for what it's for.. a means of information. Not to air out dirty laundry and act like fkn children. Please!!!
Of course another long drawn out line of bullshit. Do you seriously ever get tired of keeping up with this whole lie of being independent? You don't live in Miami, all you've done was throw a smoke screen to keep people off you & AY's tracks. Try again. If you did live in Miami, AY would live in Miami along with Ellie. But you 3 don't. You go to Memphis to visit AY's family because that is his home town & I would know considering me & Bella Love went before you. I know where I was at last night. Who called me can choose to comment or not. I have proof of my wehere abouts. I don't stalk you. You're not a celebrity or anything special in my book. You accused me last night of sending you that dumb a** message & this isn't the 1st time you've accused me for something I've had nothing to do with! Along with why I got banned because I said "I DID NOT MAKE THAT POST ABOUT YOU ON ____". Speaking of multiple handles. I'm sure I'm doing it the same way AY is doing it for you & his team lol.
This isn't a contest, I don't speak about you to nobody, I don't care to. Your tactic is to throw as much dirt on my name as possible to run me off. You're a grown ass woman & your little quote is about being positive, but yet you go above & beyond to go after me & do all you can to make me look bad. All for what? Mad because folks posted your real world info on who you truly are on sites & people outside the hobby know how disgusting & low down of a woman you are? Be mad at yourself. Not me. Anything I've had to say about you I've said to you directly. So what's your real reason, you & AY's real reason for continuing to bash me? What do you get out of posting messages besides attention? You see I never posted you or AY's but dammit, maybe I should! If anyone has the issues it's you because I don't bother you or your pimp/boyfriend/man/huggy bear AT ALL.
Furthermore; I called you earlier today on a blocked call to ask you why you are accusing me of some bullsh**t on your Tumblr. Why would you post my real name on your escort Tumblr? You speak of confidentiality & being confidential, what is that? You laughed in my face & said "doesn't feel too good does it?". I never made those posts on you on those other sites. I've told both you & AY that several times & I will stand by my word! & are you stupid or flat out brain dead? When I worked with Destiny her incall was 2 blocks from you so OF COURSE I knew where your little PaperChasing brothel was at! DUH!
All of these lies & accusations to try to make it to the top & run me off is getting really old. All I want to do is be successful, continue being a great mom & provide for myself. I don't need this shit! But I see what you & AY are doing. Quite sad. You're 35 dammit
AllThisMeat's Avatar
Hey, this isn't an elaborate trick to get everyone to go to her tumblr page is it?
The hell about being a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. when I grow up. I want to be AY - all these great looking women making money for him and fighting over him......must have something I don't because I paid to be with these women and I was very nice to all of them. Have seen his photo and may have seen him in person, and I wasn't impressed.
You're the wrong color. If you were black and ghetto, you'd fit the profile to be a handler for these women.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 07-17-2016, 07:21 AM
WTF is a "tumbler?" Another "social idiot" site/app? Why is this train wreck on my screen? One hooker says something negative about a competing hooker. Go figure? Never saw that one coming.
Do we need a new forum for pissing and moaning?
Savannah Moon's Avatar
zeejoe's Avatar
I went to Lariyah's tumblr just to see if there was any photographic evidence whatsoever that she ever smiles, or indeed has teeth at all.

There is not. Why does such a positive-minded person never smile?

Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away

How's that working out so far? Shitty people attract drama like gravity.
So, um.......would this be a bad time to try to set up a double with these 2?