CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Supreme Court, in a UNANIMOUS decision, told the administration that the government could NOT tell the Lutheran Church who they may or may not employ as a minister. Note the decision was UNANIMOUS!

The latest word, however, is that the justices were deemed to have engaged in terrorist activity and were arrested by the military on American soil and sent to Guantanamo Bay.

I B Hankering's Avatar
TexTushHog's Avatar
Other than the fact that the gal was really just a school teacher and not a true minister. Can a janitor at the church be denied due process of the law if he's required to go to the day school sing along? The underlying concept is sound enough, but this teacher is no more a minister as a matter of law than I'm an astronaut.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You would have much more credibility if you knew what you were talking about, TTH.
Dumbest thing you have said cof Obama had nothing to do with this.It was a lawsuit brought against the church as they replaced her when she was on leave.she lost.Hope the military picks you up for terrorist activities.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You didn't read the cite, did you, Ekim? And I wish you a fine day as well.
The SCOTUS decision bitched slaped the Obama administration's position on the case.

As the WSJ succinctly put it........

"The Justices also didn't spare their disdain for the position advanced by the Obama Administration. The Justice Department argued that the same First Amendment analysis should apply to churches as to social clubs. The Court called that argument "hard to square with the text of the First Amendment itself, which gives special solicitude to the rights of religious organizations. We cannot accept the remarkable view that the Religion Clauses have nothing to say about a religious organization's freedom to select its own ministers." Ouch.
You didn't read the cite, did you, Ekim? And I wish you a fine day as well. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

No dumb ass I watched the report on PBS where it was explained in depth.go back to your hating.
Other than the fact that the gal was really just a school teacher and not a true minister. Can a janitor at the church be denied due process of the law if he's required to go to the day school sing along? The underlying concept is sound enough, but this teacher is no more a minister as a matter of law than I'm an astronaut. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
she was more than a teacher had proceeded further and could lead the children in prayers.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No dumb ass I watched the report on PBS where it was explained in depth.go back to your hating. Originally Posted by ekim008
It sounds like you're the one who enjoys hating. I still wish you a Happy MLK Bday.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Good to see at least one branch of the Federal Gov't isn't afraid to put "King" Obama in his place. I can't wait for Nov and we can be rid of the 2nd worst president in history. Nobody will come close to the ineptitude of Jimmy Carter. BTW, Eric Holder has to be the most incompetent Attorney General EVER. Where did he get his law degree? A box of Cracker Jacks? Holder makes Janet Reno look downright competent. Both Holder and Reno should be disbarred. Hell, Reno should be in Federal Prison as a convicted murderer.
BigLouie's Avatar
I can't wait for Nov and we can be rid of the 2nd worst president in history. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
You should get use to disappointment. Every poll has Obama beating any of the clowns the Republicans trot out.

You should get use to disappointment. Every poll has Obama beating any of the clowns the Republicans trot out. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Cpalmson's Avatar
You should get use to disappointment. Every poll has Obama beating any of the clowns the Republicans trot out. Originally Posted by BigLouie
WRONGĦ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Um, recent polls have Romney beating Obama 46-43. Same polls have Paul in a tie with Obama.

Romney would beat Obama in Florida (29 electoral votes). Ohio, PA and Michigan are probably tied but those states have GOP governors who can help push get out the vote drives. If I were a betting man, I'd put money on Romney at this point. BTW, the economic news will get worse during the year. Unemployment rate is going to go up. GDP will be flat once again. And oh, Obama just requested another trillion dollar increase in the debt limit. That will fire up the Tea Party and probably even the Occupy Wall Street folks who will turn on Obama with a vengeance.
What pole ??From faux news