what do I can't fake enjoying being with someone? Do I end the session? We all know that if one party is not interested the other party is going to feel that. So what's the point in continuing? But what if the other party went out of their way to come see you or you draw that way out of your way to go see the other party? Then what? Bugs me. I don't like to be with someone that I don't want to be with. For what? Money? A reputation? Really?
I feel like you hobbyist don't have to feel that same Feeling but really you do. So why do we allow ourselves to do that? I mean do you really at the end of the night feel good about f****** someone you really didn't want to be with? Does it feel good? Seriously? Because to me... I feel like s h i t! And honestly I don't know why. Is it because it was instilled in me that sex is sacred? that we're supposed to keep our body like a temple? I don't know just food for thought