To Chat or Not to Chat? That is the question.

jughead1171's Avatar
Do you hang out in the live chat? Why or why not? I see many people that post in the forums but don't see in the chat room. I hang out in chat quite a bit and it helps me to get a better feel for some of those that spend time there. Just curious why you do or don't.
shorty's Avatar
I've started to hang out there because there's nothing else to do. Not much on TV during the summer and it's a good way to see how other ladies and gents enteract with one another. I have become chat friends with some of the ladies that don't post much or at all. It is also a good place to feel the ladies out for some UTR sessions.
hobbyprojb's Avatar
I never chat. I enjoy board-hopping & like seeing what's going on with the rest of the hobby community in different states. I'm a member of 7 different hobby boards (Yes..I have no life)
sixxbach's Avatar
Just don't use the word hooker or john in chat. Way too many quick tempered mods in chat. What is worse is an owner who does not have much else to do these days but ban members for the slightest infraction......

Cpalmson's Avatar
There's a chat feature? Did not know that.
Yup, go up to the top of the page and see the tab that says "Home"? Then there's Browse Showcases, something else, and then Chat.

Click that and you're good to go!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I very seldom go to chat, mostly because it is Texas dominant and I really feel out of place. It is like walking into a bar where you are the only unknown. Just popped over there and didn't know anybody.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I like chat but if you're looking for a place to talk about a particular topic then chat is not the place to go, as it is pretty fast paced. Chat is a place for humor, mindless chit chat, and you can also private chat one on one to get a feel for each other if you are thinking about meeting someone. It can aid in the screening process on both sides of the fence. I've had fun in chat the times I've been in there. Met a few people in there that I enjoy talking to on a regular basis.....
jughead1171's Avatar
I very seldom go to chat, mostly because it is Texas dominant and I really feel out of place. It is like walking into a bar where you are the only unknown. Just popped over there and didn't know anybody. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
There are a lot of texans in the chat but I have been seeing a growing number of Oklahoma providers who have become regulars in chat.
I went in earlier today and yes, it was fast paced, and since I wasn't paying that close attention, got a bit lost Maybe 8 different conversations all going on at once with some "Hello __" mixed in
Pink Floyd's Avatar
There are a lot of texans in the chat but I have been seeing a growing number of Oklahoma providers who have become regulars in chat. Originally Posted by jughead1171
That is not always a good thing. Sometimes I just want to join in the regular chat without going into a private chat.
I've meet some great people in chat. Just don't like the drama that happens there at times .
The chat area is fine......Usually the regulars that hang out in there. Chat isn't for everyone so that could be why you don't see alot of board members in there.

Come on Sixx............That's a sour attitude to have.......considering you were a mod at one
sixxbach's Avatar

I have no issues with you. It is truly the heavy handness of The Original Becky. She is someone who truly is no professional. She should lay in the background and let the mods do their job. I don't care if she is an owner or not, should be in the background. If my words result in my ban, I could care less in all reality....

Chat is cool...