Encounter: Lovely Summer

needsmhead's Avatar
Date: 9/2020
Name: Summer
Phone: Upon Request
Email Address: Upon Request
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=269416
City: Rogers
State: Arkansas
Address: Near Krispy Kreme
Activities: Talking Shower BBBJ
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder Length
Age: 47
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Beautiful Titties Nice Ass and a great smile
Recommendation: Yes
That's something I could get behind!!!!!

Jack Scheidt's Avatar
Her pics sure are irresistible. I’ve been trying to get her to come back to LR. Maybe she will soften up and see me one of these days
needsmhead's Avatar
Well worth seeing.
I would so put my face in that ass.
We could do a road trip..

austin88998833's Avatar
We could do a road trip..

Originally Posted by Johnsson
Exchequer 2.0. LMAO!!!
needsmhead's Avatar
I heard she was coming to LR first week of November so cancel the road trip look at that ass up close and personal lol.