Replacement Theory all a lie, huh?

HedonistForever's Avatar
I'm sure you all remember a couple of guys here saying that "Replacement Theory", a theory that Democrats are looking for ways to replace White people is all a racist lie. Well it's all out in the open now not that it wasn't before.

White teachers would be laid off first under Minnesota teachers contract

Minneapolis public school teachers of color will have additional job protections this upcoming school year under a new contract that would allow them to keep their jobs rather than white instructors with more seniority.
The labor agreement’s intent was to protect “underrepresented populations” and keep the district’s predominantly white staff from becoming more homogenous, a report said Monday.
About 60% of Minneapolis students are non-white compared to 16% of the district’s tenured teachers and 27% of its probationary teachers, according to a June Minneapolis Star Tribune report.
The agreement states that teachers of color “may be exempted from district-wide layoff[s] outside seniority order,” according to Minnesota outlet Alpha News, which published language from the contract Sunday.

“Starting with the Spring 2023 Budget Tie-Out Cycle, if excessing [reducing] a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site, the District shall excess the next least senior teacher, who is not a member of an underrepresented population,” the agreement reportedly read.

The agreement said that “past discrimination” had made the district’s teaching staff “underrepresented” to the community “and resulted in a lack of diversity of teachers,” according to the article.

The teachers union and the school district “mutually agreed” on the deal, a Minneapolis Public Schools spokesperson reportedly said.
A representative of the Upper Midwest Law Center told Alpha News the agreement was “unconstitutional.”
“The [collective bargaining agreement] … openly discriminates against white teachers based only on the color of their skin, and not their seniority or merit,” James Dickey, senior trial counsel at UMLC, reportedly said.
“Minneapolis teachers and taxpayers who oppose government-sponsored racism like this should stand up against it.”
The contract was one of the first of its kind in the nation, and a “huge move forward for the retention of teachers of color,” union leaders told the Star Tribune.

And there you have it in the light of day, you may now fire people based on the color of their skin. Now we all know this is unconstitutional and they know it too but they don't care because their ideology is more important to them than the Constitution and rule of law.
And now the White elitists and various other racists are raving over a new book called "The Last White Man". Can you guess how it ends? With the White race having been eliminated from the earth, there was once again harmony in the land.

The message is provocative and timely. Hamid says he was inspired by his own experience after 9/11, and the story literally spells out the racist fear of the “great replacement” theory.

I'm sure a book entitled "The Last Black Person" would be just as well received talking about how great it would be if there was only one race, the White Race, right?. Wait, don't we have many examples of that on the Continent of Africa long ago when the ZULU nation slaughtered their brothers and sisters in race and brought them to the shores and sold them to White slave traders.

... No worrys, mate.

... That Australian soothe-sayer fellow named Confuchiss
surely got a GREAT saying: ... "SUE the bastards"...

Wait 'til the first teacher or two are laid-off - and
file lawsuits against the Teachers' Union AND the state

It will be your tax dollars at work - defending the lawsuits.
And paying the settlements.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes it is.
winn dixie's Avatar
How could this hold up in court?

Seems ive heard that en'
HedonistForever's Avatar
How could this hold up in court?

Seems ive heard that en' Originally Posted by winn dixie

That's the thing, it can't..... yet! These people actually think the tide is turning in their favor and they may be right in the future the way this country is going but for now, they are going to lose big time but hell, teachers union got how many billions of dollars to spend as they like because nobody in power in the Democrat party will stop them. It will take the courts to do that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
These people?

Please explain.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Don’t teacher’s unions vote on their contracts? If dumb, white liberal teachers voted for this then whatever, don’t come crying when you’re axed for the color of your skin.
winn dixie's Avatar
reverse racism is ok

Didnt everyone get the memo???????????
HedonistForever's Avatar
Don’t teacher’s unions vote on their contracts? If dumb, white liberal teachers voted for this then whatever, don’t come crying when you’re axed for the color of your skin. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

That would go to show just how far this "movement" ( get Whitey for short ) has advanced. These White Liberal teachers have decided to "hang on the cross" if necessary to prove that they are now "reformed" and ready to pay for their past sins. It's quite incredible to watch.

They will vote for their own demise for the good of another race but maybe they know like I do, that this is un-constitutional and will never hold up in court, so what's the harm in going along and not be labeled a racist for wanting to keep their job.

And yes, if they go through with this knowing they will be sued and successfully so, they figure they have the money to mount a fight because as one senior executive with the union said, "this is the first shot at what we hope to establish in every school district in the country". It's their new religion but think they'll see it that way after criticizing others for their religious beliefs?

How about you guys come down and explain that to Ron DeSantis.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The evidence is all around us. The latest evidence that I have seen...a play written by a woman in 2008 called Now Circa Then. Fourteen years ago, when she was a college student. It is about a couple of reenactors doing a museum bit about early immigration. At the end, the female talks about how the Italians are disappearing from NYC. She goes into some detail about who is replacing them; Puerto Ricans, Guatemalans, Mexicans, etc. She called it (in 2008) the "replacement theory".
So the Italians are disappearing from NYC? Or maybe just "Movin on Up? Giuliani sounds like an Italian name to me.

Never mind that "evidence" from 2008 is 14 years old.
Replacement theory is about immigration. This is something else.

Moot point right now since there are 300 plus openings for teachers in the city. Plenty of time to work it out in the courts.

Conservatives are doing more to support replacement by banning abortions. More low income kids from forced births.

"The Last White Man" is written by a Pakistani. The main character wakes up one morning and finds he has turned brown.

Plus the Zulus lived on the East coast of Africa and weren't heavily involved in the Atlantic slave trade. Or big on "slaughtering" their "brothers and sisters". Shaka Zulu went through a period of killing after his mother died and he went crazy. His half brothers had him assassinated. Survivors from defeated armies were taken into the fold as soldiers and laborers.



I'm sure you all remember a couple of guys here saying that "Replacement Theory", a theory that Democrats are looking for ways to replace White people is all a racist lie. Well it's all out in the open now not that it wasn't before.

White teachers would be laid off first under Minnesota teachers contract

Minneapolis public school teachers of color will have additional job protections this upcoming school year under a new contract that would allow them to keep their jobs rather than white instructors with more seniority.
The labor agreement’s intent was to protect “underrepresented populations” and keep the district’s predominantly white staff from becoming more homogenous, a report said Monday.
About 60% of Minneapolis students are non-white compared to 16% of the district’s tenured teachers and 27% of its probationary teachers, according to a June Minneapolis Star Tribune report.
The agreement states that teachers of color “may be exempted from district-wide layoff[s] outside seniority order,” according to Minnesota outlet Alpha News, which published language from the contract Sunday.

“Starting with the Spring 2023 Budget Tie-Out Cycle, if excessing [reducing] a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site, the District shall excess the next least senior teacher, who is not a member of an underrepresented population,” the agreement reportedly read.

The agreement said that “past discrimination” had made the district’s teaching staff “underrepresented” to the community “and resulted in a lack of diversity of teachers,” according to the article.

The teachers union and the school district “mutually agreed” on the deal, a Minneapolis Public Schools spokesperson reportedly said.
A representative of the Upper Midwest Law Center told Alpha News the agreement was “unconstitutional.”
“The [collective bargaining agreement] … openly discriminates against white teachers based only on the color of their skin, and not their seniority or merit,” James Dickey, senior trial counsel at UMLC, reportedly said.
“Minneapolis teachers and taxpayers who oppose government-sponsored racism like this should stand up against it.”
The contract was one of the first of its kind in the nation, and a “huge move forward for the retention of teachers of color,” union leaders told the Star Tribune.

And there you have it in the light of day, you may now fire people based on the color of their skin. Now we all know this is unconstitutional and they know it too but they don't care because their ideology is more important to them than the Constitution and rule of law.
And now the White elitists and various other racists are raving over a new book called "The Last White Man". Can you guess how it ends? With the White race having been eliminated from the earth, there was once again harmony in the land.

I'm sure a book entitled "The Last Black Person" would be just as well received talking about how great it would be if there was only one race, the White Race, right?. Wait, don't we have many examples of that on the Continent of Africa long ago when the ZULU nation slaughtered their brothers and sisters in race and brought them to the shores and sold them to White slave traders.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
winn dixie's Avatar
From post above.
Survivors from defeated armies were taken into the fold as soldiers and laborers.

Thats called slavery! They were not given a choice!
The Zulu Nation was just one of many peoples that conquered their neighbors and enslaving them throughout mankinds history. Not just in Africa. But regardless of what wokeism says today! It happened in africa too!
Sorry Charlie. There are 2.6 million Italians or Italian Americans living in NYC. They aren't vanishing.
You consider a play as evidence? What other evidence?

Come back when you have credible evidence. Should be easy is it is all around us.

The evidence is all around us. The latest evidence that I have seen...a play written by a woman in 2008 called Now Circa Then. Fourteen years ago, when she was a college student. It is about a couple of reenactors doing a museum bit about early immigration. At the end, the female talks about how the Italians are disappearing from NYC. She goes into some detail about who is replacing them; Puerto Ricans, Guatemalans, Mexicans, etc. She called it (in 2008) the "replacement theory". Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Did I say it wasn't slavery? I said they weren't heavily involved in the Atlantic slave trade.
Did it happen in Africa too? No shit, sherlock. I didn't say it didn't. I was saying what the Zulus did with survivors. They didn't typically sell them. They kept them.

Learn to read. I was talking about the Zulus and that was it. Ignoring everything I said so you could make a point no one was contesting is stupid. You use the word "wokeism" to describe what? Who says slavery didn't happen in Africa? Who said mankind didn't enslave his "neighbors" all through history?

Survivors from defeated armies were taken into the fold as soldiers and laborers.

Thats called slavery! They were not given a choice!
The Zulu Nation was just one of many peoples that conquered their neighbors and enslaving them throughout mankinds history. Not just in Africa. But regardless of what wokeism says today! It happened in africa too![/QUOTE]