What the Hell is going on at BDD

Cubans/Venezuelan/Columbian/whatever country they claim

Got a dance from three different girls (all smoking hot by the way). All of them start in the middle of a song. Ask 'can you wait until next song before we start?' and all of the sudden they don't speak English. One dances for half a song and then questions me why I'm not tipping on top of a full priced dance (didn't speak English earlier).

I've been going light on the strip club scene the past few months so maybe this is the new norm, but this is just ridiculous.
jflo's Avatar
  • jflo
  • 08-10-2018, 06:42 PM
I usually go days but stopped by last night at BDD. It was hustler city. No action. Sticking to days.
Chung Tran's Avatar
"Brown skin girl, stay home and mind baby..."

and mind your manners.. leave me the Hell alone. these fresh off the Coyote bus Bitches need to learn the ways of US strip clubs, before they take them all down.
TomCollins's Avatar
The club now has little trash cans in the stalls in the men’s room. From my experience, folks from south of the border aren’t accustomed to flushing their used tp, so they wipe their ass and throw it in a trash can. To say the cans are disgusting is a huge understatement. I assume BDD added those to make that demographic feel more at home. Pitiful.
Tom could this thread get more trashy? Omg I hope not. They are fun to watch work the crowd though and some are hott. I just hope they are washed ugh...I've had a few set on my lap
Majority of the girls have become not so very hot. Only 2-3 are hot worth having dances . I am pretty dissappointed the way they are hiring girls . I guess if i dress like a female they might hire me. They need to maintain the standards and need to have equal ratio of all ethnicities rather than having all latinas . I like latinas and europeon but i need to have a choice
The trash cans are to dispose of your used condoms. Everyone knows if you flush too many it causes plumbing problems...
Meatman69's Avatar
I have never heard of BBD
I have never heard of BBD Originally Posted by Meatman69
That's because its BDD...
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Cubans/Venezuelan/Columbian/whatever country they claim

Got a dance from three different girls (all smoking hot by the way). All of them start in the middle of a song. Ask 'can you wait until next song before we start?' and all of the sudden they don't speak English. One dances for half a song and then questions me why I'm not tipping on top of a full priced dance (didn't speak English earlier).

I've been going light on the strip club scene the past few months so maybe this is the new norm, but this is just ridiculous. Originally Posted by dbjp101
It's our job to teach the new girls the rules of the game. In other cities, I'm thinking Miami from several years ago, that type of behavior is common. They rely on men not being bold enough to tell them to wait until the next song starts and not being strong enough to not tip or pay extra for songs or services they didn't receive.
CowboyDave's Avatar
Maybe this is why the dancers in ft worth seem to be getting better. The American dancers are coming here. Just a theory. I’ll have to study this more and report back. Anyone want to fund my research?
In all seriousness I have heard more than one ft worth dancer complain about the Cuban girls in Dallas.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have never heard of BBD Originally Posted by Meatman69
it's short for Bell Biv Devoe.. don't you guys know anything?


It's our job to teach the new girls the rules of the game. In other cities, I'm thinking Miami from several years ago, that type of behavior is common. They rely on men not being bold enough to tell them to wait until the next song starts and not being strong enough to not tip or pay extra for songs or services they didn't receive. Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
exactly.. we are in control, not these Bitches who were strong enough to swim the 90 miles to Key West. if you don't get the service you expect, don't pay! tell these Cubanas you'll feed them to Castro if they don't leave you alone.
CG2014's Avatar
They didn't come to the USA via Key West, Chung.

They took the boat to the land and came up through Mexico.


They have to be dried feet to get US assistance now.

The off the boat from Cuba is no longer valid.


which is an update to


I have a solution to the OP's question in post #1.

I see Cuban girls, I just don't bother.

They come up and ask me if I want company and I say no.

You can always tell the Cuban girls: strong accent and poor broken English.

The other Latina girls in the strip clubs who are NOT Cuban don't have strong accent and poor broken English like the Cuban girls because most of them were born here or came here when they were kids and grew up here.

Plus you can always single out the Cuban girls from the way they behave:

they travel in pack and hit on a poor fella, one after another, all of them within seconds of each other.

They sit at a table and congregate, 3-5 or more together, and do nothing but converse in Spanish.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ha! the Key West comment was a figure of speech, obviously these Bitches didn't swim the 90 miles, LOL.. just like fresh off the boat is almost always "poetic license".

however they got here, their annoyance is no less dampened by the manner of which they hit our shores.
CG2014's Avatar