End of the Castro era

I B Hankering's Avatar
Cuba President Election: Parliament Gathers To Name Leader

HAVANA — Raul Castro announced Sunday that he will step down as Cuba's president in 2018 following a final five-year term, for the first time putting a date on the end of the Castro era. He tapped rising star Miguel Diaz-Canel as his top lieutenant and first in the line of succession.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/24/cuba-presidential-election_n_2754708.html?utm_hp _ref=world

Cuba: Raul Castro Plans To Retire In 2018, Signalling The End Of An Era


It's past time for a Cuba Libre!!!

BigLouie's Avatar
The Castro era would have been over a long time ago if the US had a realistic relationship with Cuba. With a normal relationship the prosperity of the citizens would have lead to the downfall of Castro. If you think I am wrong, how's the current plan working as far as causing the downfall of communism.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

You mean that old fossil, Castro is still not dead?

. . . While he might not be quite as old as the old geezer, but he must be older than dirt by now!

I B Hankering's Avatar
The Castro era would have been over a long time ago if the US had a realistic relationship with Cuba. With a normal relationship the prosperity of the citizens would have lead to the downfall of Castro. If you think I am wrong, how's the current plan working as far as causing the downfall of communism. Originally Posted by BigLouie
While Cuba is still suffering under Castro's dictatorial socialist regime, there are no Soviet ICBMs positioned there. And as far as causing the downfall of communism, BL, perhaps you slept through 1989 which was the beginning of the end:
joe bloe's Avatar
While Cuba is still suffering under Castro's dictatorial socialist regime, there are no Soviet ICBMs positioned there. And as far as causing the downfall of communism, BL, perhaps you slept through 1989 which was the beginning of the end:
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

The Soviet Union collapsed because it went bankrupt. The system wasn't efficient enough to compete with America militarily and at the same time provide an adequate standard of living for it's citizens.

Happy thriving citizens don't cause regimes to topple. America's trade boycott with Cuba failed because the rest of the world traded with them. If America's allies had participated in the trade boycott, Castro would have been gone long ago.
Yeah, right-o....Castro would have given up his marxist ideas, split with Russia and all would be well in the cuban utopia...............

All of the Castro evils are because of "American Colonialism"....

Sounds like the dreams of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

The Castro era would have been over a long time ago if the US had a realistic relationship with Cuba. With a normal relationship the prosperity of the citizens would have lead to the downfall of Castro. If you think I am wrong, how's the current plan working as far as causing the downfall of communism. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Sounds like the dreams of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I knew that Trendy would figure out a way to slam Obama in this thread. It did not take him long!
The left has a love for the Marxist movements in Latin America....it's because they despise America and American Exceptionalism...........

Like Obama, the left views American influence as colonialism and a force for evil.
joe bloe's Avatar
Yeah, right-o....Castro would have given up his marxist ideas, split with Russia and all would be well in the cuban utopia...............

All of the Castro evils are because of "American Colonialism"....

Sounds like the dreams of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Exactly right.
Obama senior had the same dreams as his evil spawn. Obama's autobiography is "Dreams from My Father."
Exactly right.
Obama senior had the same dreams as his evil spawn. Obama's autobiography is "Dreams from My Father." Originally Posted by joe bloe
Great, now we have the Bloehard jumping in to Bloe Trendy. Hey, Bloehard needs to get his licks in while he can.

You two guys deserve each other!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The Soviet Union collapsed because it went bankrupt. The system wasn't efficient enough to compete with America militarily and at the same time provide an adequate standard of living for it's citizens.

Happy thriving citizens don't cause regimes to topple. America's trade boycott with Cuba failed because the rest of the world traded with them. If America's allies had participated in the trade boycott, Castro would have been gone long ago. Originally Posted by joe bloe
The USA is on its way to bankruptcy, also. No one knows the number that will break the camel's back, but it is out there somewhere. I agree we should deficit spend now to stimulate the economy, but we are basically crossing our fingers that we can hold out until the economy improves. Then, we should pay it back, but we won't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cuba President Election: Parliament Gathers To Name Leader

HAVANA — Raul Castro announced Sunday that he will step down as Cuba's president in 2018 following a final five-year term, for the first time putting a date on the end of the Castro era. He tapped rising star Miguel Diaz-Canel as his top lieutenant and first in the line of succession.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/24/cuba-presidential-election_n_2754708.html?utm_hp _ref=world

Cuba: Raul Castro Plans To Retire In 2018, Signalling The End Of An Era


It's past time for a Cuba Libre!!!

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You fuckers are absolutely amazing! You'll use any thread to bash Obama. I'm sure there'll be Obama bashing in an Academy Awards thread ... ooops! There is.

How about the forthcoming baseball season? You asswipes gonna bash Obama because he's LEFT handed?

But for the record - I hope new leadership in Cuba brings freedom to its people ... at least freedom that's acceptable to the right wing motherfuckers who've perpetrated this ridiculous embargo for 30 years longer than it should have logically lasted.

It's about time Cubans were liberated from the stupid ass game of chicken between Castro and the US.

They deserve it.

(And oh yeah, I look forward to a nice Havana Club, when the time comes!)

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The left has a love for the Marxist movements in Latin America....it's because they despise America and American Exceptionalism...........

Like Obama, the left views American influence as colonialism and a force for evil. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Actually, Whirlyturd, I think more than half of us are beginning to despise YOU and your loathe of America.
LexusLover's Avatar
You all are prematurely jumping on Obaminable.

Wait until he takes credit for the current regime change!

Hillary can't. And neither can "John-John" (Heinz) Kerry.
You all are prematurely jumping on Obaminable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You tell 'em, LL! Shame on them!