CowBoy Fans, looks like you are screwed.

You are stuck with Romo for 6 long years. Looks like 6 years of .500 seasons.
I will never understand sports contracts. Why do they give away the farm when they could get the same guy for a few ponies.
Ya, he can play out his career in Dallas and continue to crush our hopes and dreams of having a great team to follow. I'm not mad at Romo, hell if they offered me a contract like that I wouldn't say no. For Romo's first few seasons I was a fan, and thought he just needed a chance to mature and develop, but after about 6 years I think it's pretty clear that what you see is what you get. A guy with great stats and flashes of brilliance, that has choked in every pressure situation he's been in.
Damn, damn, damn.
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 03-30-2013, 07:03 AM
This is really hard to swallow. I don't think there is another team in football that would offer him a contract for that kind of money. My hopes have been crushed yet again by Jerry. Hope I'm wrong.
Cowboys are difficult to understand. Even if Romo is the great savor, quarterback for the ages. In the not to far away future he will surly become old. Why don't the Cowboys have a young quarterback in the wings under training to take the position. They invested 5 years in McGee just to let him go. Jerry seems to enjoy the old worn out guys as backups. Plus a young new comer might get Romo off his ass to play better. Romo hasn't had any competation at the qb position in years, actually never.
capitan1962's Avatar
I dont think they are going to have a .500 season when the new defensive coordinator switches back to a 4-3. Moving Demarcus Ware to DE basically means the other team can run the other side of the field. That is limiting the best defensive player you have. I know he played end before but he needs to stay at LB. If they make .500 it will be above my predictions.

While Dumbass is just throwing money away why don't he go ahead and sign Jason Garrett to about a 10 year, gazillion dollar contract and then the Cowboys fans can just move on. Too bad they can't draft a new owner.
ranchman's Avatar
As long as there is no one to block on the line it doesn't matter who the quarterback is the Cowboys will not win. You connot run and cannot pass without an front line to block.
single1's Avatar
Although I'm not a Cowboys fan, I have some time to chime in on this subject. #1) the Cowboys had no leverage. They couldn't use their franchise tag on Romo. They were gonna have to pay him what he wanted to risk losing him when his contract was over and get nothing in return. 2) Let him go you say? Who were they going to replace him with? After 3 years they let Stephen McGee go. He's now trying to be the 3rd QB for the Texans. They don't have a franchise QB or someone good enough to replace him. Being a QB in the NFL is tough. Not just anybody can do it successfully. Bottom line, Romo had leverage & the Cowboys didn't. That's why he got paid.
Although I'm not a Cowboys fan, I have some time to chime in on this subject. #1) the Cowboys had no leverage. They couldn't use their franchise tag on Romo. They were gonna have to pay him what he wanted to risk losing him when his contract was over and get nothing in return. 2) Let him go you say? Who were they going to replace him with? After 3 years they let Stephen McGee go. He's now trying to be the 3rd QB for the Texans. They don't have a franchise QB or someone good enough to replace him. Being a QB in the NFL is tough. Not just anybody can do it successfully. Bottom line, Romo had leverage & the Cowboys didn't. That's why he got paid. Originally Posted by single1
These are all good points, and Ranchman made a good point too, but the facts are that Romo is great statistically, and not great under pressure. There are not many guys who can be big time qb's. I would rather take my chances with a young guy than spend big money on an a guy who has proven he is not "the man". Look at Russell Wilson in Seatle. 3rd round choice and unproven last year, but took that club a long way. Settle on an average qb, with an average salary and spend that money on an offensive line.
capitan1962's Avatar
They could have made Pookie their franchise QB and done just as well. I am telling you if you will try pulling for the opposing team just once and watch Jerry Jones sit there with egg all over his face you will be hooked.
mrlegoz's Avatar
.........UHHH ROMO #1....btw jk but there is no other options for them, oh well...they were awsome when i was a youngin
capitan1962's Avatar
Well since Romo was a "walk on" there are always other options.