Another Sad NCNS Story...

Wheretonow's Avatar
I’ve checked a number of the other NCNS postings (the ones in “Reviews”, where, for whatever reason, the forum masters don’t want them posted; and in the other threads), and my story is not nearly as bad as some.

But it still pisses me off, so please allow me to ventilate. The provider is based in Dallas, but travels a lot. She’s got great reviews, and had just the look I was after at the moment. She reminds me a lot of a CWILF (Co-Worker I’d Like to Fuck), so I was excited when I saw she was coming back to Dallas for a short stay.

Let me at this point say that, depending on their incall location, it’s about an 80-mile one-way drive into Dallas for me.

I made the appointment and initial correspondence through P411 PM’s. Set up the date, got the location and her phone number, and everything seemed great. Arrived at the incall a few minutes early and texted her. No response. Texted her several times in the next hour with no response. Sent her a final text saying I was leaving and would like to know what happened. Drove the 80 miles back home. Eventually got a text saying she’d been arrested for Public Intoxication (too much celebrating of the Mav’s victory the night before). I said sorry to hear it and maybe we can hook up on her next visit.

Fast forward to her next visit. I again use P411 to PM her and set up an appointment. Made all the preparations for the appointment. PM’d her late afternoon the day before. No response. Texted her late the night before. No response. Texted her the next morning. No response. So I saved myself the 80 mile drive to Dallas, texted her a final time that I’d given up on seeing her and was really sorry things didn’t work out.

I’ve been very lucky in the hobby, in that I’ve only been NCNS’d twice, and both times by the same provider. I rarely write reviews (usually only when the session was especially good), but over the years I’ve seem around 50 providers, and did post a number of reviews on the old aspd.

I’m not mentioning the provider’s name because I was only out my time and travel, and it was a lesson especially well learned. I doubt that I’ll see a provider in the future that travels frequently; that doesn’t have a permanent Dallas incall; and doesn’t have a lot of recent positive reviews.

I wish that the forum masters would allow NCNS’s to be linked to the review section, but it is what it is. Happy hobbying; and choose your ladies carefully.
my opinion is name her or quit whining.
Wheretonow's Avatar

I see you're a self-professed asshole. Seems about right...
my opinion is name her or quit whining. Originally Posted by monkmonk
You beat me to it, sounds like he needs a wahmbulance
I understand your frustrations about providers being NCNS...........I have had a few of those myself. Monkmonk is right on the fact it would be better to name the provider, and, like you, I wish that some how NCNS on providers, while they are not reviews, should be linked to the said provider is some way, but the bad part is that those type of experiences are never "cut and dry". However, there is not one provider, that I know of, who does NCNS on enough of a consistent basis to really worry a hobbyist about setting with them, that is why you ALWAYS have at least a plan "B" or "C".
Wheretonow's Avatar
I stand by my decision to not name the provider. Too many WK's harassing everyone who says anything negative about a provider (and making comments similar to monkmonk's), and, of course, the provider gets informed of any comments made about her, even in the Reviews or Men's Lounge.

Like I said, I made out better than most guys that get NCNS'd, and I learned from the experience. PM me if you're interested in knowing who she is.
Hercules's Avatar
She’s got great reviews Originally Posted by Wheretonow
I'd be curious if she thinks she's teflon coated now because guys are scared to speak out on her transgressions.

Wheretonow trust me when I say you CAN call out a popular provider and the world will keep spinning and ladies will continue to play-for-pay with you.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Not mentioning her name is of course, your decision, but it just might save someone else from receiving the same treatment as I'm sure you understand.

Yes, linking a NCNS to her reviews sounds like an idea that has merit. On the other hand, if her name is mentioned in a NCNS threas such as this, it would show up with a search.

The mechanism is in place to inform the guys learn about the propensity for a provider to NCNS, we just have to use it.
Might have saved you some grief from the beginning.



I’m not mentioning the provider’s name because I was only out my time and travel, and it was a lesson especially well learned. I doubt that I’ll see a provider in the future that travels frequently; that doesn’t have a permanent Dallas incall; and doesn’t have a lot of recent positive reviews.

I wish that the forum masters would allow NCNS’s to be linked to the review section, but it is what it is. Happy hobbying; and choose your ladies carefully. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
You are right about the WKs, some girls have alot more than others, and some do not have any, but I do not care about WKs myself, and if a member is hostile, rude, disrespectful, ect. to you, then you can always RTM the post or PM. Also you are right in the fact that no matter what you type on any forum on this site, using private tags or not, all members, providers, ect. can and will see what you wrote, and there are more than a couple of ways of doing that. You SHOULD have the right and the freedom on this board to name the provider no matter who she is.

Having said that, if you are afraid of this particular provider seeing that you started a thread on her doing a NCNS, then that would make me think that your "story" is not as "solid" as you would like others to think. Now we all have our own opinions of the providers, but if it were me, and she NCNS me, I do not give a shit what others think, I would name her and stand by my word as I know the truth, so who cares what others say? If she did that to me, she has probably NCNS others as well and the truth will come out, or, if she is a "reputable" provider, she will make it right with you and you can post that as well.
Wheretonow's Avatar
I'm not particularly concerned about what this provider thinks or does, since I have no intention of ever trying to see her again. I posted this in the Coed section, as I said, mostly to ventilate. Readers can take it or leave it; believe it or not believe it; have sympathy, empathy, or indifference about it. The only reason I don't like WKs is that their comments result in a lot of additional comments from me (like this one), and I'd rather be doing something else (like researching my next provider!).

I've offered to PM her name to anyone who's truly interested, and if you're not interested in seeing providers, what difference does her name make?
Lana Warren's Avatar
I respect your decision not to name this lady in a public thread! Again, it is YOUR decision! You have kindly offered to reveal her name to anyone who asks in a private PM! Yes, I am a firm believer that ladies who exhibit this behavior should be called out in hopes that it will send a message to other ladies, but you have decided to take the high road and we should all respect your decision!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Edit, i just read the last post where you said you would reveal her name in pm.

Sorry that happened to u hun. I would be pissed as hell if i were you.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Blame the first one on the Mavs. They should have let it go to Game 7.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Lana & Jules-

Classy ladies like you two more than make up for the occasional bad apple.

Trynag- I'm sure there's some way I can blame it on Mark.
LOL, I have one review that has a no reccomendation due to it being a NCNS review which was given by someone who had just joined and had no post and who I had never spoken with by any means and most definatly had not set any appointment with. This is tied to my name right or wrong and nothing I can do about it. There are many other providers who also have NCNS rewiews in their records. SO if it is OK for myself and others to have these NCNS reviews then WHY NOT EVERYONE??? As in my case history shows that in all likley hood it was a false review but I still must live with it, so again the question of why not everyone??
For the record I have failed to make two appointments in my entire career but in both cases I was on the phone with my date explaining why I was not going to be able to be there on time.
1. blow-out due to debris in road
2. roads blocked off by police due to recent parade for Mavs and no access to clients location
Question still remains if good for one why not all?? all it takes is writing the review and posting it.