COF Shot His First Turkey Today!

It scared the living shit out of the people in the Frozen Food Section.
Now that was funny! Good one!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-23-2012, 08:39 AM
For a second there, I thought he might have shot LovingKayla.

What a Tea Turkey she was.
I'm starting to get worried. Has anybody actually seen Joe the Bloehard since November 6th?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-23-2012, 08:47 AM
Has anybody seen Mitt Romney since then?
I'm starting to get worried. Has anybody actually seen Joe the Bloehard since November 6th? Originally Posted by bigtex
Has anybody seen Mitt Romney since then? Originally Posted by WTF


I don't want to "out" anyone but do you think Mittens was posting here under an alias?


I don't want to "out" anyone but do you think Mittens was posting here under an alias?
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
The plot thickens!

If so, I suspect that LL is trying to figure out a way to link Mitten's posting here under an alias to Clinton's dilly-dallying around with Monica. Give him time, he will figure out a way!

And LL calls himself a Democrat!
Has anybody seen Mitt Romney since then? Originally Posted by WTF
Mitt probably is taking a break to do what he really enjoys...........counting his money.

And getting back to what he does best.........making money.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

I always knew someone should put that old geezer on a short leash!

. . . A muzzle would really help too!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-23-2012, 10:21 AM
be nice, Joe is in lockdown under suicide watch ... when he stops quivering in a cold sweat, and the stomach bile quits running out his nose he'll probably be back ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LittleStepanie, that was funny! I didn't know that got out already but it was good eatin'.
For a real challenge, a supermarket frozen turkey hunter ought to try to hit 'em while they're in motion -- such as during a spirited game of "turkey bowling", for instance:

Of course, you might really piss off the bowlers. And you gotta be really careful if any bowlers or shoppers might be affected by the shot pattern -- or you could end up pulling a "Dick Cheney!"
or you could end up pulling a "Dick Cheney!" Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Poor ol' Harry!
Keep him away from the petting Zoo.