Gas Tax

Just watched Marjorie Clifton a Democratic Strategist selling the idea of additional or higher gas taxes as part of the new Obama fiscal cliff plan. She explained how this would boost the economy, that truckers could write it off so it wouldn't affect food prices. How everyone will tighten their belts and learn how to be more conservative. Cant wait to see how this works, i guess all the libs will be oh so happy. I am confident it will stimulate the sale of EVs as well. She says this wont have much impact on the middle class! So all the folks in the lower income brackets can car pool or buy a Volt.
I for one am so excited about all the new taxes coming down the pike, i wonder how long it will take before the everyday folks finally get pissed.
When to Stevie,wtf, and all you people that root for big govt. , higher taxes, less money in your pocket finally say enough is enough.
What in the hell do you go to work for? Doesn't it bother you to give up so much of your pay checks ?
So if it cost 50.00 to fill your tank today and 60.00 after the new gas tax would that upset you or is it ok? Where does it stop?
TexTushHog's Avatar
The US has the lowest taxes in its modern history. It also has among the lowest taxes as a percentage of GDP of any industrialized country. Learn some facts. If you're in economic straights, the reason likely isn't taxes. It's because your income has stagnated. Low taxes are as likely to be the cause of that as anything. Low investments in education, infrastructure, etc. Also huge tax cuts fr the wealthy dad to a lack of growth in the overall economy.
When I am in a hole with dirt up to my neck. Let the Gubmint cover the rest of my head with 2ft more dirt. You parasites are killing the host...

Why you RICH fuckers want to kill me? You are trying to push people to Gubmint Tit...fuckers
Oh hell I had chilli tonight...
The US has the lowest taxes in its modern history. It also has among the lowest taxes as a percentage of GDP of any industrialized country. Learn some facts. If you're in economic straights, the reason likely isn't taxes. It's because your income has stagnated. Low taxes are as likely to be the cause of that as anything. Low investments in education, infrastructure, etc. Also huge tax cuts fr the wealthy dad to a lack of growth in the overall economy. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You missed the point i was trying to make. The idea is that higher gas taxes will help the economy, if its not to much trouble maybe you can explain this to me. My simple mind wont wrap around the concept of taking more money from the everyday folks that are barely making it to help fund more Govt. Thanks
cptjohnstone's Avatar
The US has the lowest taxes in its modern history. It also has among the lowest taxes as a percentage of GDP of any industrialized country. Learn some facts. If you're in economic straights, the reason likely isn't taxes. It's because your income has stagnated. Low taxes are as likely to be the cause of that as anything. Low investments in education, infrastructure, etc. Also huge tax cuts fr the wealthy dad to a lack of growth in the overall economy. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
that was before obamacare, how do think Europe pays for their "free healthcare"
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-23-2012, 09:57 PM
You missed the point i was trying to make. The idea is that higher gas taxes will help the economy, if its not to much trouble maybe you can explain this to me. My simple mind wont wrap around the concept of taking more money from the everyday folks that are barely making it to help fund more Govt. Thanks Originally Posted by steamyromance
Romney raised taxes on gas when he was Gov, since I didnt live there I cant say how it hepled or hurt the states economy ... to hear him tell it during the campaign he should get a trophy for his economic policy ..

just another good example to cut back on gas/oil and move to alt energy
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't know the argument that the author you cite was making, so I'd be hard pressed to regurgitate it. In my view, the arguments that you would make would be related to reduction of long term government debt (and I think that there are better taxes to raise revenue), and reduction of man-made global climate change (here, a gas tax is a very good idea). But sorry, I can't explain the argument that the individual you reference was making.

In my mind, a gasoline tax is, at best, a crude substitute for a comprehensive carbon tax, which would be very good indeed in the long term. But medium and long term we need to find a way to finance necessary government services and to do so in a way that reverses the government driven upward redistribution of wealth.
Just watched Marjorie Clifton a Democratic Strategist selling the idea of additional or higher gas taxes as part of the new Obama fiscal cliff plan. She explained how this would boost the economy, that truckers could write it off so it wouldn't affect food prices. How everyone will tighten their belts and learn how to be more conservative. She says this wont have much impact on the middle class! Originally Posted by steamyromance

Without knowing the context of the speech that the above came from I can tell you right now, plain and simple, that is complete and utter BULLSHIT. To the best of my knowledge you can not 'write off' a gas tax. An owner operator could write off a portion of their mileage but the tax itself on the fuel, I highly doubt it.

The trucking companies get the deductions from the trucks since they own them and not the drivers (again, unless the trucker is an owner operator) as the majority of the truckers on the roads are company drivers. The only 'write offs' they get are their personal expenses.

And let's face it, no business is ever going to eat an extra cost of doing business. Instead the trucking companies will raise their rates to ship a businesses goods which in turn will cause said businesses to raise the prices of their goods. Which in turn will be passed on to us the consumers.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The costs of fuel, tax and otherwise, is clearly a deduction to the trucking company. Of course, that will to some degree be reflected in increased freight rates (unless it is a perfectly elastic market, and it is not).
I don't know the argument that the author you cite was making, so I'd be hard pressed to regurgitate it. In my view, the arguments that you would make would be related to reduction of long term government debt (and I think that there are better taxes to raise revenue), and reduction of man-made global climate change (here, a gas tax is a very good idea). But sorry, I can't explain the argument that the individual you reference was making.

In my mind, a gasoline tax is, at best, a crude substitute for a comprehensive carbon tax, which would be very good indeed in the long term. But medium and long term we need to find a way to finance necessary government services and to do so in a way that reverses the government driven upward redistribution of wealth. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well from what i hear the carbon tax is on the way on top of the gas tax. This will slow the use of fossil fuels here in the US and reduce our carbon footprint but its not a World wide tax so im not sure how it is supposed to help the rest of the planet. Seems the more the Govt takes in the more it spends but please explain how taxing us will reverse the redistribution of wealth.
...fuckers Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

classless, YES...
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=TexTushHog;1051937387]The costs of fuel, tax and otherwise, is clearly a deduction to the trucking company. [QUOTE]

#1: There are a tremendous number of contract truckers (and I imagine that Obamacare will create more of them) who pay for their own fuel... most of them need "write ons" not "write offs" ... aka "deductions."

#2: The independents still have to pay a "self-employment" tax and the "deduction" does NOT result in a 100% write off for the fuel costs.

#3: Their tax rate will increase Jan. 1st.

Whatever happend to not increasing taxes for those making less than $250,000?

Now the "rich" are gong to pay the same amount for fuel that the "poor" do AND the same amount of taxes on each gallon.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Well from what i hear the carbon tax is on the way on top of the gas tax. This will slow the use of fossil fuels here in the US and reduce our carbon footprint but its not a World wide tax so im not sure how it is supposed to help the rest of the planet. Seems the more the Govt takes in the more it spends but please explain how taxing us will reverse the redistribution of wealth. Originally Posted by steamyromance
Almost evey carbon tax proposal has a anti-regressive rebate provision that has some payments to taxpayers in the lower two quintiles. Those proposals make it less regressive or progressive. See:

However a carbon tax will certainly not be the primary means for reversing income disparities. That will have to come in the form of taxing capital gains and qualified dividends as ordinary income, inheritance taxes, or am outright tax on assets above as certain level.
LexusLover's Avatar
However a carbon tax will certainly not be the primary means for reversing income disparities. That will have to come in the form of taxing capital gains and qualified dividends as ordinary income, inheritance taxes, or am outright tax on assets above as certain level. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
... it's a gasoline tax ...

.... raise the rate per gallon, which is flat tax independent of pricing.

".....reversing income disparities..." ...... crafty wording for income re-distribution.

Combined Plan Theory:

Raise the tax on gasoline and allow a straight tax credit for incomes below $250,000 with incomes about $250,000 getting NO deduction.