The Illinois gun grab

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Say it ain't so...but the liberals know what they are doing and will continue to do so. It's a sign of mental illness.

The governor of Illinois is going to ban all "assault weapons". It gets worse though. An injunction against enforcement was issued and many citizens of Illinois went out and bought black rifles. The governor now says that anyone who bought a black rifle during the time of the injunction is a criminal as all those weapons were illegally purchased. He suggests that he has access to the gun federal gun registration forms and can use them to contact gun owners. As a carrot, the governor says that someone who owns a black rifle should register that firearm with a statement that they owned it BEFORE the ban. So, now the state knows who owns what and if you purchased the gun during the ban then you are confessing to a felony.

Any idiot who says that no one is trying to ban guns is just that, an uninformed idiot, a dupe, a fool.
I'm a long-time NRA member who regretfully has come to the conclusion that the AR15 should be taken off the streets. Unfortunately, when Cuomo did it in NY they lumped in every wish-list in the anti-gun agenda into their over-night SAFE act. My expensive .22 target pistol became an 'assault weapon'.
I'm a long-time NRA member who regretfully has come to the conclusion that the AR15 should be taken off the streets. Unfortunately, when Cuomo did it in NY they lumped in every wish-list in the anti-gun agenda into their over-night SAFE act. My expensive .22 target pistol became an 'assault weapon'. Originally Posted by chumfun

Actually if the press would stop talking about mass shootings for two weeks after they happened, it would do more good than banning AR15.

To be honest, if the people were just going after body counts there are better ways than using any type of gun. I won't mention them here because we don't need to spread idea's to people that easily.
Actually if the press would stop talking about mass shootings for two weeks after they happened, it would do more good than banning AR15.

To be honest, if the people were just going after body counts there are better ways than using any type of gun. I won't mention them here because we don't need to spread idea's to people that easily. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The main reason why the AR-15 is targeted for banning is because it can easily be accessorized to enable it to be more accurate. The Picatinny and Weaver rail systems enable the AR-15 to be easily equipped with Scopes, Red Dot sights, Magnifiers and even Laser sights. This weapon can even be modified to be fully automatic. The Government doesn't give a fuck about anyone's safety they don't like the competition the AR-15 may present to them. Furthermore a mass shooting that is televised by the media for two weeks where by the "Active Shooter" was using an AR-15 there is a good chance it was an orchestrated event.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I believe the Supreme Court decided to hold off on ruling about this to give the lower courts the opportunity to come to their senses as it works it's merry way upward.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm a long-time NRA member who regretfully has come to the conclusion that the AR15 should be taken off the streets. Unfortunately, when Cuomo did it in NY they lumped in every wish-list in the anti-gun agenda into their over-night SAFE act. My expensive .22 target pistol became an 'assault weapon'. Originally Posted by chumfun
how did you come to the conclusion that the AR15 should be taken off the street?

the issue with it; the 5.56mm round is a varmint round.

its a light round mated with a high power casing. this has engineering consequences that the U.S. military loved about it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
how did you come to the conclusion that the AR15 should be taken off the street?

the issue with it; the 5.56mm round is a varmint round.

its a light round mated with a high power casing. this has engineering consequences that the U.S. military loved about it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Dang nabbit. Next it's going to get curious about the 22-250 round at 4100+ ft p/sec., totally capable of dealing with varmints (loosely defined) at pretty fair distances.
Getting your info from youtube again.

No injunction was issued. 2 separate courts declined to give an injunction in the case.
Anyone who owns a banned weapon must register the rifle with the state police by Jan. 1st, 2024.

Once again, you lie out of your ass.
Who was selling guns that were banned? Not licensed dealers. They know the law.
There is no carrot. The ban went into effect in January. If you bought an AR-15 after that, you were dealing with an illegal sale by a person who used to be a licensed dealer (right up to the time you let the feds know what he did).
Anyone believing what barley says, is an idiot and a fool not smart enough realize that you shouldn't pretend to know the law concerning the sale of firearms.
You don't check the information you make up.
I don't care about bans. That isn't the same as a grab. And after you said the Navy's firearms training is worthless, I don't think you should be allowed access to weapons like that. I don't believe the founding fathers envisioned someone as irresponsible as you to have access to a weapon like that.
You lie about the law to people who are stupid enough to think you know what you're talking about.
Gun ownership is about responsibility, something you completely lack.
The only person giving false information here is you. You're telling people to lie on federal and state documentation. This is exactly why you shouldn't have any guns.
I'm not anti-gun but I sure am anti-you having a weapon like this. You admited you recieved inadequate training using the standard US military rifle. You didn't seek additional or remedial training in its use.

This entire post is bullshit. You wear your ignorance like a badge. You could have gotten the same information I did but you decided to play moron.
Rights come with responsibilities. Instead you lie and try to get others to act as stupid as you.

Normally, I would get major laughs from one of you fucking yourselves because you listened to barley boy. So I'll post this link that has a Q&A section about this new law. IGNORE EVERYTHING HE POSTED.

Here is a link to the story, not his bullshit.

"The court denied a request by the National Association for Gun Rights and a firearms retailer for an injunction blocking enforcement of the state law and a similar ban enacted by another Chicago suburb, Naperville, while a legal challenge to the measures proceeds. No justice publicly dissented from the decision."

I bet you shot your own toe off.
Why do I think you shot your own toe off? Because it's exactly the kind of thing you would do.

Say it ain't so...but the liberals know what they are doing and will continue to do so. It's a sign of mental illness.

The governor of Illinois is going to ban all "assault weapons". It gets worse though. An injunction against enforcement was issued and many citizens of Illinois went out and bought black rifles. The governor now says that anyone who bought a black rifle during the time of the injunction is a criminal as all those weapons were illegally purchased. He suggests that he has access to the gun federal gun registration forms and can use them to contact gun owners. As a carrot, the governor says that someone who owns a black rifle should register that firearm with a statement that they owned it BEFORE the ban. So, now the state knows who owns what and if you purchased the gun during the ban then you are confessing to a felony.

Any idiot who says that no one is trying to ban guns is just that, an uninformed idiot, a dupe, a fool. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There is nothing in that link that debunks anything I wrote. If you too obtuse to see that, that's your problem lagerwache.
biomed1's Avatar
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I don't care about bans. That isn't the same as a grab... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
If the owner does not turn in the banned "scary looking" weapon, then what?
If the owner does not turn in the banned "scary looking" weapon, then what? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The gun will sneak out of the house and go out on a shooting spree. Illinois as with any Blue State has their priorities mixed up.
Ripmany's Avatar
If I have a gun ai shooting, Inever had a gun and not shot it with 10 sec of picking it up
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The gun will sneak out of the house and go out on a shooting spree. Illinois as with any Blue State has their priorities mixed up. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You telling me that a gun just decides to go out, grab any random whack-job, nut-ball to commit mayhem, in a gun free zone most likely? I always thought it was the other way around.Reality sure is weird...
You telling me that a gun just decides to go out, grab any random whack-job, nut-ball to commit mayhem, in a gun free zone most likely? I always thought it was the other way around.Reality sure is weird... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Apparently that's what Liberals think. They think banning an AR-15 saves lives, lol.